Just a joke

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"C'mon, y/n, don't be a pussy!" Fuller laughed as he punched you on the shoulder. You rubbed the spot on your arm and looked to Lewis for advice,let alone some help.

"I don't know, man." Lewis gave Fuller an unamused look and looked back to the highway. "I don't think we should be messing with anyone." Fuller whined though.

"Oh, c'mon! It's just a joke! Nobody's gonna get hurt!" Lewis looked at you with a deciding look until he gave a sigh and shook his head.

"I guess you're right about that." You huffed at him. He wasn't helping your case very much. Fuller turned to you with a larger smile.

"Yeah, c'mon! It'll be funny!" He laughed as well, leaning over the center of the front seat. You gave a nervous laugh and looked down at the CB.

"Guys, I don't know about this." You gave another small laugh, becoming even more uncertain. Fuller rolled his eyes at you. "Its just a joke. And besides, we can just play it off and go on with life."

"Its still kinda mean though." Fuller rolled his eyes again. "Oh live a little, y/n." With that he reached down from in between you and Lewis and grabbed the microphone from the CB.

He sat back a little and grinned at you and he clicked the button on the side. "Breaker 1-9, breaker 1-9, we need a west-bound, c'mon. You got Black Sheep here with," He looked at Lewis and smiled, "uh, Mama's Boy. We're barrelling down ol I-08, eastways, and we were just wonderin if you could see any bears from your rocking chair, over."

Lewis laughed and shook his head until a voice came back. "Roger that, you gotta clear 40 mile shot up until Jamestown. You got yourself a Kodak with a kojak up on I-85."

Fuller gave Lewis a nod. "Alright. No cops until Jamestown. Free to speed like a motherfucker for the next 40 miles or so." Lewis smiled and you shook your head and he stepped on the gas.

From there, Fuller kept check ins for police. None of the things really caught your attention until a certain voice came through the other end of the CB.

"Doesn't matter. Not from this rocking chair." You gave a questioning look to the guys who also seemed a bit confused. "Some people like it when it rains. It's gonna rain hard tonight. Keeps everyone inside, y'know?"

Lewis looked between you and Fuller. "The hell's with this guy?" Fuller paused for a moment before he picked up the mic. "Howdy. You got Black Sheep here with Mama's Boy. Who we got? Over." There was a pause before no answer came through.

Lewis laughed and looked over. "Can I please get a better handle than Mama's Boy?" You laughed as well but Fuller just gave a flat "No." He looked down at the CB with furrowed brows and pressed the breaker in the mic again. "Yo rain man, what's your 20?"
There was still no reply.

Fuller looked at you and smiled again. "Hey, do that thing." You shook your head. "I already said I dont think we should." Fuller frowned. "C'mon just do it!" You sighed and took the mic from him. Fuller laughed and clapped his hands together. "Yes! Just say, hey, black sheep, this is candy cane. C'mon, you'll be amazing."

You sighed and pressed the breaker in. "Hey, Black Sheep. This is Candy Cane. I've been looking for you all day." He smiled and took it back. "Well, hey there, Candy Cane. This is Black Sheep. I'm right one schedule." He handed it back to you with a laugh. "Now say, I'll see you on later tonight honey." You gave him a unamused look. "Go go go."

"So I guess I'll be seeing you later on tonight, is that right?" Fuller took it back with a smirk. "You got it. I'm pulling over now and I'll be seeing your beautiful ass in the P.M." He clicked it off and watched as the CB static kicked in a bit. Lewis raised his eyebrow.

"So what was that about?" Fuller glanced at you before he turned his attention back to the CB. "Not sure..."
The static continued until the same voice came back through again.

"Candy Cane, c'mon." Fuller grinned and look at both of you. "Haha, I knew it. These guys are so fucking horny." He stopped quick and looked at you. "Hey, get him on, get him excited, and then, in the middle of it say, hey, guess what. I'm just kidding." You laughed but shook your head.

"I can't do that!" You protested, pointing towards the CB. "C'mon, y/n. It'll be fun. C'mon, just do it." You gave him an uncertain look, earning a quiet "do it" from him. With no other hesitation you pressed in the breaker.

"Hey, there. Who's this?" It was silent for a second. "Rusty Nail." Fuller laughed, quietly repeating 'nice' as he grinned.

"Well, Rusty Nail, I hope you're doing better than I am. This drive seems like it's taking forever."

"Roger that, Candy Cane."

Fuller was grinning ear to ear. "Oh you got him. You got him."

"You know what makes it easier is pretending that the person I'm talking to is right next to me. So why don't you pretend like I'm sitting ther with you? Just the two of us and the windsheild." Fuller had started dying and was slapping his leg.

"What do you look like?"

"Well I'm y/h. I got h/c h/l, and I got e/c eyes. Really soft skin." Fuller shook his head. "Man, this is turning me on." You gave him a short glare before you continued. "And you know what I would do if I was there, Rusty Nail?"

Fuller raised both his fists with an "Awesome!" Just before he came back through.

"Tell me."

"I'd make you feel good." You drew out the good, lowering your voice a bit.

"You would?"

"If I was there and I asked you to, would you unbutton my blouse?" Fuller had now full on started dying, tears coming to his eyes.


"Well then I'd just take it off, so now what? What do you wanna do to me?" Lewis now had even started laughing as you cut out.

"Uhm, I've...never really done this before. I- I'd take off your bra..." Fuller clapped and threw his head back. "This is classic!"

"Oh, okay. You take that off."

Rusty began talking again but the CB static grew to where you couldn't understand him any longer. Fuller's face dropped as he leaned forward, trying to adjust the connection. "No no no, we can't lose this guy."

You picked up the mic again. "I couldn't hear that, Rusty Nail." Nothing but stactic came through on the other end.

"Rusty Nail, sweetheart?" Only static came through again and Fuller groaned and slapped the seat. "Damnit, it was getting so good!" Lewis looked over, confused. "What? Did we lose him?" You shook your head as you put the mic back on the CB. "Yeah..."

"Shit." Fuller sat back in his seat, slumping. Lewis shook his head and went back to focusing on the road. You stared at the CB for a second before turning and staring out the window.

Hunted: Rusty NailUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum