Look in the trunk

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You went into your room as the guys went into theirs. Lewis and Fuller had been placed in a room on the lower floor while you had a top floor. When Fuller entered the room he started pressing down on each of the beds, before he flopped on on. "This one."

Lewis shook his head and dropped his bag, laying down on the other one. Fuller looked around and stood up, seeing the tv guide. He picked it up and read through it. "Hey, this ones got adult channels. Do you feel more like one with a story or just scenes? Oh, shes in the navy. Well you got me."

He turned on the TV and sat back down on the bed. "Hey, y/n's great, man. She's good." Fuller nodded and looked over at Lewis. "I mean, you guys are just friends, right? At least, that's what you said. Just friends? Just hanging out? Cause, if you're anything more than that, just tell me right now and I'll-" Fuller stuck out his hand and pushed it backwards. "Beep, beep, beep. Off, y'know?" He laughed and looked over again. "Great."


You had been getting ready to finally go to bed. You were thankful that you could finally relax. You wondered where Rusty had gone. Probably back on his route. You didn't think about it too much. As long as he wasn't trying to crush you against a tree you were fine with it. 

You ran a brush through your hair as you stared in the mirror. You weren't really even focusing on your own self. You were really too lost in thought to. You stopped as you heard a knock on the door. You paused and put the brush down, slowly walking towards the door.

You unlocked it and slowly opened it. Fuller stood on the other side. "We never got those last round of drinks." You gave a small laugh. "Yeah but if we're going to get an early start we'd better just crash now." Fuller smiled a bit. "Hey, I'm a licensed bartender. I'd show you my license but my hands are full." He raised up two bottles and a bag of ice. You shook your head with a laugh.

"Where's your better half?" Fuller shrugged. "He's busy...snoring." You leaned against the door more with a smile. "I don't even think I can drink anymore." Fuller tilted his head.
"I disagree, y'know, I am the professional."  You smiled, opening the door more. "Fine." Fuller smiled as he walked past you.

He set up drinks as you sat on one of the beds. He handed you one and you both took a shot. Fuller stood up and went to make more as you laid back on the bed. "Y'know what's amazing? Nobody can find us. We're just up there...floating. If anyone wanted to find us they'd be strained." You waved your hand through the air before you stopped and ran both hands down your face.

"Ugh. What am I even talking about?" Fuller turned back with two drinks. "I have no idea." He sat besides you on the bed and handed you a drink. "Here. Try this." You sat up and took it from him. You drank a bit of it and paused. "That's good." Fuller nodded. "Yeah." You softly repeated him and took another drink.

"Is Lewis okay? He doesn't normally drink this much." Fuller turned with a   nod. "Yeah, he's totally fine."


Lewis laid completely out. He had almost passed out as soon as he hit the bed. He was now jolted awake by the sound of the phone ringing. He shifted a little. "You answer it..." The ringing came again.

Lewis opened his eyes and looked around, before reaching over and picking up the phone. He brought it to his ear and shut his eyes again, clearing his throat a bit. "Hello?"

"Now I thought you said there was no girl."

Lewis heard the voice and sat straight up, eyes wide. "What?"

"You said there was no girl."

Lewis brought the phone down and looked around the room. "Fuller..." He was gone. "Listen, there is no girl. She's gone."

"Then what's she doing, in the other room, with your brother?"

Lewis slammed the phone down and ran out of the room. He sprinted out of the room and to the stairs that led to your room. He knocked on the door and opened it, running in and slamming his back against the door. "He's out there! He's watching us!"

Fuller stood up from the bed. "Wait. Rusty Nail?" You curled your knees up and looked towards the window, before turning back to Lewis. "What?" Lewis stood in front of the bed as he yelled, trying to quickly explain.

"He called me!" Fuller looked over. "He called you?" Lewis jutted his hand to the window. "Yes! He knew you were in here! He's watching us!" Fuller jumped over the bed and went to the window, peeking out through the curtain.

You looked between them. "He's...watching us?" Lewis nodded. "Yes." Fuller turned back from the window. "What did he say?" Lewis stuttered for a second. "He said he thought there was no girl and then he asked what you were doing in here, which is a pretty fucking excellent question!"

Fuller ran to the door and looked out before turning around. "We gotta get out of here. Put on your shoes." You looked at him. "I already paid for this room!" Lewis looked at you. "Just do it!" You got up and ran to grab them on the other side of the bed. "I'm sorry okay? How scared do you want me to be?"

The phone started ringing and all three of you froze. Fuller stared at it, wide eyed. "Much more than usual." You grabbed your bags and ran out of the room. You all sprinted down the stairs and Fuller turned and yelled as he crashed into somebody. You jumped to and ran to the side, following Fuller as he ran to the car.

Fuller jumped into the driver's seat, with you in the middle again and Lewis in the passenger seat. You all sped out of the parking lot and down a back alley, leading to an empty highway. You looked behind you. "Theres no way he followed us here!" Lewis shook his head. "He knows we're brothers! How the hell does that happen?!"

Fuller paused. "Alright. We go to the police, we're getting off the highway, and then we're going home!" You looked at Lewis. "What the hell are we going to do?! We're hundreds of miles from home!"

"I don't know, okay?!" You shook your head. "Well, if he followed us this long who says he wont follow us home!" Lewis shook his head. "That's impossible!" You frowned. "So is him knowing you were brothers! But guess what, he did!"

Fuller suddenly slammed on the breaks and pulled onto the shoulder of the road. Lewis looked over at him. "Hey, man, what the hell are you doing?" Fuller stayed quiet for a minute. "He wants us to look in the trunk." You both stared at him.

"There were signs spray painted. 'Look in the trunk'." Lewis paused. "Signs? What makes you think they're for us?" Fuller stopped and pointed out the windsheild. "Look." You and Lewis both turned your heads and froze.

There on a sign in front of the car was Lewis's name in black spray paint. "Oh my god..."

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