Chapter 14

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It's been about a cool minute since Sophia been gone and it shouldn't take that long cause the pizza spot was right down the road.

As I was going to give Tristan his bottle my phone rung.

"Hello". I ask placing the bottle on the table.

"Hi, you're the most recent person on her call log Sophia has been shot and is at Grady hospital".The person said on the other end of the phone.

"I'll be right there". I said before hanging up and rushing to get the twins packed up.

Once I had everything I needed I grabbed their car seats and took them out to the car buckling them in before pulling off.

|15 minutes later|

Pulling up outside of the hospital I get the twins out and walk inside.

Going up to the front desk I place their car seats down beside me.

"Hello, I'm here for Sophia Da Rosa". I said to the receptionist and she started typing on the computer.

"She's in surgery right now take a seat over there and a doctor will be with you". She said and I nodded picking up the car seats and going to take a seat.

Placing the car seats down in front of me I look around before looking down at the twins whom were sleep.

"Shit I forgot to call her family". I say to myself pulling out my phone and going to her mother's number.

It rang for a few moments before she picked up.

"Hola Mijo". She said as soon as she answered the phone.

"Hey mama Sophia was shot and I'm at the hospital right now waiting on a doctor they say she's in surgery but we're at Grady's Hospital". I said with a sigh looking down.

"Oh my God, we are on our way". She said before hanging up.

|3 hours later|

Her parents and some of her other family members showed up hours ago we were all just sitting here waiting.

"Family of Sophia Da Rosa". I heard someone say causing us all to stand up and walk over to him.

"How is she". I ask and he lets out a sigh.

"She lost a lot of blood and we had to put her into a medically induced coma but you guys can go back and see her". He said and I nod turning and grabbing her mother's hand as we walked to the back.

We all walk in and I had to turn back around. Leaning against the wall I drop my head down.

Feeling someone's hand on my shoulder I look up and see her dad.

"She be okay my daughter is very strong". He said patting my shoulder.

Walking back inside I take a seat by the bed and grab her hand kissing it.

"I'm so sorry baby I'll find out who did this to you I promise". I said quietly to her as her mother ran her fingers threw her hair.

"We'll take the twins home with us". His mother said standing up holding a sleeping Tristan.

"I'll be by to get them tomorrow". I said and she shook her head.

"It's fine spend some time here with Sophia". She said waving me off.

"You sure cause they can be a handful sometimes". I said and she nodded her head.

"I'm sure they will be just fine and I'll give you a call later on so that you could see them". She said as they gathered their things.

"I really appreciate it, mama". I said standing up to give them a hug.

Once they all left the room I sat back down and turned on the tv.

|2 hours later|

A buzzing noise woke me up out of my sleep. Picking up the phone I see that Sohpia's mom was calling me.

"Hello". I say when I answer standing up.

"I was just calling to show you the twins". We said filling the camera over to them as they laid sleep.

"Why auntie rubbing that egg on my babies". I said laughing taking a seat.

"It's just a cleanse but I have to go I was just calling so you could see them". She said and we said our goodbyes before hanging up.

"Your mama is something else". I said laughing a little bit before sitting back and looking at the tv.

I hope she wakes up soon...


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