The Grudgby Jacket

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It was a another slow day at Hexside. Luz had been putting away books in her locker when she noticed Amity walking by with something in her hands. "Hey Amity!", Luz yelled at Amity while running towards her with her hand in the air, Amity started to blush  "oh Luz!" Amity started to get nervous "hahaha what are you doing here, with me, at Hexside, hehe" "SHUT  UP" she yelled at herself in her mind. "Hey what you got there?", she said as oblivious as ever pointing the the thing in Amity's hands "oh! this is my old Grudgby captain jacket, i was seeing if maybe the school could repurpose it or something" she answered while looking down at it. "hmmmmm" Luz thought "i could use it!" she said concealing her intent from Amity "Oh, Ok here", Amity said while handing the jacket to Luz turning her head away "thanks!" Luz thanked Amity while skipping away to her next class."what could she use it for...wait...when was the last time i washed it! oh hopefully its not gross!" Amity started overthinking, forgetting about getting to class. "oh shoot!" she yelled remembering she's in school. She then started speedwalking towards her next class.

Luz had gotten to history class and greeted Willow and Gus. "what ya got there"  Willow questioned Luz "oh this is Amity's old Grudgby jacket" Luz replied, setting it on the corner of the table, she then sat down next to them "how did you get it" Gus continued the questioning. "Oh Amity said she was gonna try to give it to the school anyways so I volunteered to take it off her hands", Luz answered "oh ok then" the two gave up on the mini interrogation and started paying attention to the lesson. After about five minutes or so into class Luz started getting cold. She started rubbing her arms in an attempt to get warm, but it didn't work. She than looked over to Amity's old captain jacket "I guess i could use that..." she thought while reaching for the jacket. She then put it on. As she had it on she noticed that she liked having it on more that she thought she would, "it's just a jacket... but its Amity's" she thought after a minute she had set her head down and pushed her nose into the right sleeve taking in the sent "wait...why am i smelling her jacket...and why do I like it..." she was lost in thought. "Miss. Noceda! are you sleeping!", he hissed at Luz. The teacher had snapped Luz out of thought,"n-no! Mr. teacher sir, sorry" Luz had apologized. "Ok, but i better not see you dozing off again." he said sternly "yes Mr." Luz replied. "I cant wait to see the look on Amity's face when she sees me wearing her Grudgby jacket" Luz let out a small chuckle as she thought this.

As Luz was leaving Hexside at the end of the day she was looking out for Amity. When Luz had found Amity walking out of the building she ran over to her. "Hey Amity, look at me!" Luz said with slight sass in her voice, "i'm wearing you Grudgby jacket~".  Amity was trying to hide a blush "oh no shes wearing it. she does look cute in it tho..."  " wow Luz y-you look g-good in that" Amity said continuing to look away. "Amity, you're not even looking at me!" Luz complained. " S-sorry you're just s-so cute", Amity didn't realize what she said until Luz commented, she gasped "Amity you think i'm cute!~", "s h i t"  Amity thought "y...ya i guess i d-do...", she admitted trying her hardest to hide her face. Luz laughed a little. "Well Amity i gotta get to The Owl House before King starts missing me too much" she said rubbing the back of her neck "i guess i'll see you tomorrow then hehe" Luz said while shooting 'Bi-finger guns' at Amity. "yah, i guess so hehehe" Amity said awkwardly as Luz was walking away. "She's adorable"  Amity thought one last time before heading to Blight Manner.

bRo they're so cute together im cRyInG... anyways hope you enjoyed this shorter one :)

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