Chapter xxviii

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**Chapter contains sexual content**

Harry and Louis had been engaged for a little over a year.

They woke up before the sun on a mildly overcast Thursday in September. Harry rolled over to face Louis, pulling the covers up to their chins.

Morning Lou. Harry smiled sleepily, eyes half closed.

Louis hummed softly and leaned in for a kiss. His lips lingered on Harry's before he pulled back. Morning, Hazza.

Harry leaned in for another kiss, slow and gentle, their eyelashes brushing together. I love waking up with you every day.

Louis' heart fluttered, after nearly two years of waking up next to each other, he still considered it the best part of his day. Me too, baby.

Louis rolled out of bed and walked around to Harry's side, he helped him sit up and pulled the fluffy comforter around his shoulders. Harry laughed as Louis pulled him up from the bed and pulled the comforter around his own shoulders as well. Both tucked inside the fluffy blanket, they moved through the flat and settled on the floor by the wall sized window in the kitchen. This was their favourite spot to watch the sunrise when they were both awake this early. It was still completely dark outside, only a faint glow by the horizon gave any indication that it was really morning.
Louis left Harry bundled up by the window and put on the kettle, preparing mugs for tea and coffee. With steaming cuppas in hand, he snuggled back in with Harry, setting their mugs on the hardwood floor. Harry looked at Louis with so much fondness, Louis swore there were actual little hearts dancing behind his lashes. Harry's emerald eyes, his rosebud smile, his freckles, his everything, had made Louis' heart stutter and pound for years, never wavering in his adoration of his fiance.
As they sipped their drinks and watched the sky continue to lighten, soft glow dancing off the lingering clouds, blanket wrapped snugly around their shoulders, Louis paused. He set his mug down and turned his body towards Harry's.


Harry made a questioning 'hmm?' sound as he took another sip of coffee.

I want to marry you.

Harry laughed around the lip of his mug before setting it down. I want to marry you too. That's why we're engaged.

I want to marry you today.

Harry's eyes went wide, a small smile playing at his lips. Today?

Louis nodded excitedly. Today. It's the perfect day for a wedding.

Harry's smile morphed into a full on grin. Okay.


Yeah, let's get married today.

Louis smiled so hard his nose scrunched and little crinkles formed by his eyes. Harry could still feel him smiling under his lips as he leaned in and pulled Louis into a deep, exuberant kiss. Louis leaned Harry back against the floor, pushing their mugs out of the way. He piled the comforter under Harry's warm, bare skin and moved on top of him, hovering over his body and pressing kisses to every inch of exposed skin.
Harry's golden laugh melted into a lustful moan that made Louis' heart pound harder as he brought his lips to Harry's chest, mouthing at his nipples and sucking marks onto his collarbones. Harry's fingers grasped at Louis' sides, leaving red marks along his skin. Louis tangled his fingers in Harry's curls as he sucked along his neck, kissing right below his ear.
Harry moaned as Louis licked along his skin and tilted his chin up to bring their lips together. He nodded as Louis reached down to the drawstrings of his flannel pajamas. Louis brought his lips down along the span of Harry's torso as he pulled down his pajamas and boxers, dropping kisses along his newly exposed skin and letting his fingers graze Harry's half hard cock as he pulled his bottoms off completely.
Harry's breath caught in his throat as Louis grasped his cock and worked his hand slowly along the shaft.

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