Chapter xi

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**chapter contains explicit sexual content**


Louis rolled over and wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder, squinting his eyes open as the sun came streaming through Harry's bedroom window. Harry was still sound asleep next to him, he could feel his warm breath hitting his hand as he rubbed tiny circles on Harry's bare chest. Louis smiled and closed his eyes as he pressed his face against Harry's warm back, kissing lightly between his shoulder blades. He left tiny kisses all over his upper back until he felt Harry's shaking with silent laughter. Louis grinned as Harry pulled out from under his arm and rolled onto his back, tilting his head to look up at Louis. He tapped his chest for Louis to rest his head there, and then ran his fingers through Louis' fluffy bed head. They laid like that with their eyes closed, tiny smiles on their lips, until the sun filled the entire room with a warm glow.

Louis sat up and looked at Harry with loving eyes.
Morning baby

Harry sighed and grinned. Morning love

Sleep well?


Harry sat himself up and wrapped his arms around Louis, nuzzling his face against Louis' neck. Louis giggled as Harry pulled away and leaned in to kiss his lips.



I was wondering, if you'd like to go on a little r-o-a-d-t-r-i-p? He finger spelled road trip and then showed Louis the sign for it.

Always! Where?

We could maybe go to Holmes Chapel? My sister is coming home from uni for a week and I'd really love for you to meet her.

I'd love to. Can we make it a two part road trip and go to Doncaster afterwards... you can meet my family as well?

Yes, please.
Harry leaned in to kiss Louis again, he deepened the kiss and gently leaned Louis back on the bed. Harry laid lightly on top of Louis and traced his tongue along Louis' bottom lip. Louis opened his mouth to let Harry's tongue slip in. They kissed deeply, their tongues moving together, heavy breath filling each other's mouths, and hands pressing into each other's chests. They pulled apart and Harry rolled onto his back next to Louis, both breathing heavy with smiles plastered to their faces. Harry reached down between their bodies and grabbed Louis' hand, tracing his finger tips across the soft skin on the back of his hand. Louis rolled over, propping himself up in his elbow to face Harry.

When did you want to go?

Gemma is coming home next week, so I was thinking we could leave on Sunday, and come home the following Sunday? Three days in Holmes Chapel and three days in Doncaster?

Sounds great. I'll request the time off tomorrow, I'm sure Georgia won't mind.

Right, sounds good, love. I've already spoken to Niall, he got promoted to manager, did I tell you that?

No, that's great!

Yeah! It is, but he's cool with it.

He leaned in to kiss Harry's cheek. Can't wait, baby.

The week went by surprisingly quickly, Georgia had no issue with Louis taking a week off. Louis and Harry spent the entire week excitedly talking to their families, saying how much they looked forward to seeing them. Louis came by Harry's flat after work on Saturday afternoon.
Georgia had asked Louis to stay a bit later to finish putting together bouquets for a wedding the next day, and he'd ended up staying until 5:30 to help her and clean up the shop a bit. Harry had come in after his shift at 3:00, said hello to Georgia, and gave Louis a quick kiss before walking home.
He'd sent Louis a text telling him to just come in when he got to his flat. Louis walked out of the lift onto Harry's floor and walked down the hall to his door.
He smiled as he opened the unlocked door and saw that Harry was sat on his couch in the living room. The room was gold tinted from the setting sun, and he watched with a grin as Harry signed quickly and excitedly to his laptop screen that was sat across from him on the couch. Harry's eyes lit up when he saw Louis come inside, he looked away from the laptop for a second to wave hello to him. Louis smiled and walked over to the couch and sat behind the laptop, facing Harry. Harry smiled as he continued signing to someone on a video chat on the laptop, his eyes flicking between the screen and Louis.

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