Chapter V

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The week following their date, Harry and Louis chatted every morning over the espresso counter, soft smiles permanently etched on their faces. Niall gave Harry a cheeky look every time Louis walked through the door. He'd casually sign at him behind the espresso machine Look it's your man or Have fun flirting.

Louis had found Harry sitting in the sun with his earbuds in everyday when he got off work, waiting for him so they could chat some more. The second day that Louis found Harry waiting for him after work, Louis asked if they wanted to walk home together. For the rest of the week, they took turns walking each other home; walking from work to Harry's flat and then Louis would make his 15 minute walk home from there, and vice versa. That Friday, Louis found Harry waiting for him outside after work like usual in his Friday floral button down. It was Harry's turn to walk Louis to his flat. Louis came up behind Harry and rested his hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Ready to go?"

Harry looked up at him fondly, "Been waiting on you babe, I'm ready."

Louis blushed at the nickname and held his hand out for Harry to take to stand up from the patio chair. They started walking towards Louis' flat, Harry slotting his fingers in between Louis' to hold his hand. As they arrived at Louis' flat, Harry held Louis' hand a bit harder and paused.

"Lou, would you want to grab breakfast with me on Sunday? I've been wanting to try that new place on Carry St. We're both off on Sunday so I thought--"

"I'd love to" Louis laughed, cutting Harry off slightly.

Harry laughed and let go of Louis' hand. "Okay! Uhm, I can pick you up here at 9:00 on Sunday, yeah?"

"Sounds like a date" Louis winked at Harry before leaning in to hug him.

They pulled away from the hug and walked their separate ways, Harry calling over his shoulder, "See you tomorrow!"

Sunday came quickly, with Harry and Louis still seeing each other for tea and a walk home the day before. Harry woke up at 7:00  to his phone alarm buzzing like crazy on his nightstand. He reached over to turn it off, accidentally knocking his phone to the floor.
Harry jumped out of bed, remembering that today was his second official date with Louis. He smiled to himself and walked into the bathroom to pee, shower, and brush his teeth.
Once out of the shower, Harry walked back into his room with a towel around his waist to look for something nice to wear to breakfast with Louis. He pulled open his wardrobe and searched through his many button down shirts and jumpers. It was early enough in the morning that Harry decided on a white v-neck tee shirt with a maroon jumper over top that he could take off as the day warmed up. He pulled on a pair of black boxers, a pair of black skinny jeans, and tugged the jumper over his head before heading out to the kitchen.
Harry made himself a cup of coffee while he waited, he still had about an hour before he had to start walking to Louis' flat to meet him so they could walk together to breakfast. He drank his black coffee while sitting on the kitchen counter, scrolling through Instagram and his email.
With ten minutes left before he had to head out, Harry washed out his coffee mug, and pulled on a pair of brown Chelsea boots. He put in his hearing aids, grabbed his wallet and keys, and walked out of the flat, locking the door behind him.

Harry walked rather quickly in his excitement to see Louis, and he decided to cut through the park by Louis' house to waste a bit more time so he wasn't too early.
When he came up to the steps of Louis' building, he shot Louis' a quick text and sat on the steps to wait.
A few minutes later, Louis came jogging out the door of his building and nudged Harry's shoulder as he sat next to him on the steps.

"Ready for breakfast?" Harry smiled.

"Yes, I'm starving!" Louis joked, grabbing at his stomach in fake hunger pain.

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