1. Never Give Up On Me

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This cover was made by @Zelene_Briggs. Thank you so much for the lovely cover ლ(^o^ლ). 


Things were not, what they always seemed like they were. People were not what they showed us. In this superficial world, you couldn't trust anybody. Not even yourself You might not realize when you began to change yourself or maybe you never were the person you thought you always were. Things were just complicated. People were just messed up.

So was this girl. Every morning she would wake up to a nightmare, no alarm clocks needed but her grandmother anyways set one. Every day things happened to her that did not make any sense. Every day she promised herself she would not sleep. Every day she wished it was her last day of sufferance.

She wished she could be like the others. She wished she could control fire as her fellow feurogent brother Kris would. He could even produce dancing fireballs that would go round the flying water crystals of different shapes that her splagosis brother Luke would make. At first, she wanted to make those water crystals but Kris told her water crystals were bland and boring. They weren't even hot & warm. The water was cold made him sneezy. The truth was not told. She was not capable to control water as she was a feurogent just like him, who had the power to control fire but not water.

If you were wondering, how is it possible that two of the siblings were feurogents but one of them was a splagosis? let me explain.

In this world, breeding was pure, just like Mendel's F1 generation of the pea plant you either inherit your mother's genes or father's genes. You couldn't have half of anything. You couldn't have both. Hence siblings with different powers were very common. In this case, although the girl loved water she could never control it.

And, unfortunately, that unfortunate girl was me

Agnes San Matilda, granddaughter of Mario San Matilda

If you would ask my grandmother she would introduce me as a hot-headed raccoon dog. I might be ugly but for sure I did not, I repeat did not look like a raccoon dog.

Maybe I did but I would never have had accepted the fact.

Let me introduce you to my family. Starting with my grandmother, she had been our guardian since our parents died. 

Granny was a splagosis. Yes, that meant she could control water. She had seaweed green eyes and curly brown hair that was always tied back. . She was kind and sweet and had a magnificent personality however she was a perfectionist hence always wanted things to be perfect and got angry when they weren't.

Now let's talk about my brothers. They were two in number the eldest one being Kris, he was a feurogent just like me and my mom. A  year younger to him was Luke although I preferred to call him 'puke ' most of the time, I think that suited him better though. He was a splagosis, lucky if you ask me.

I always had a fonding towards the ocean and the waves they were both gigantic. I often wished I could control them. Ironically not even the splagosis could control them they were so humongous and I dreamt of making them dance someday. As if that has ever been possible. I dream big but my reality was nothing close to my dreams, I couldn't even control fire. Not as much as  I should have been able to. In truth, not at all.

My powers were weaker than the word "weak". Growing up I was quite a disappointment, I was the black sheep of the family. My family, however, was quite nice. Although not warm and loving but not cold either. Somewhere in between, they were.

Anyways, I was soon going to go to my new school I mean 'Senior School ' this time. I should have gone there a year ago but I did not qualify for the Senior School

Not just me many did not but kris and puke did in their first try. My grandmother was so disappointed in me when I did not make it in the first go, it was heartbreaking. Puke was sad too now he was two-level above me initially he would have been one, our age difference was only a year and a half. However, Kris was in his last year in the leader batch that semester.

For those of you  who are confused let me explain there were five levels in 'the senior School'

1st level,2nd level,3rd level, and the leader batch. 

The leader batch was the ones that controlled the running of the Senior School from various events to disciple. They did own the school. Teachers were puppets in their hands.

Not my words but Kris's. Of course, there were houses. Three to be precise, the feurogents were in the yellow house. The splagosis in the blue and The auereos in the green.

Red, blue and green were the color that we were divided into but still so that we did not divide ourselves into groups based on our elements which was  ironically  done by the house system itself  our classes were mixed up except for the element class of course

A pal program was also conducted in our school where a team of three to six members was to be formed by the end of the first month who would have to work together throughout the year helping each other out and at the end of the year they had to present their skills together, the winning teams would be chosen to participate in All school international tournament.

Of course, all the team members couldn't be of the same  element there has to be diversity, minimum of two different elements had to be there in a team 

Kris and Luke were looking forward to this competition since last year after they were eliminated in the semi-final round of the tournament. You see they made it into the competition but couldn't make it beyond the semi-finals.

To say Kris was a sore loser would be an understatement he sulked for months and went very hard on my training too. Sometimes he would yell at me and would call me an untalented brat but he always regretted it later. 

He would always come to and would apologize to me and I always forgave him. I knew he loved me for he trained me every day making me physically strong. But most importantly 

I knew he loved me cause he never gave up on me

DevoidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora