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A/n: I'm really, really experimenting here I'm not sure if this is in character or makes sense or anything really, feedback is appreciated!
I swear there's no sultry Aizawa in the next one, also the two parts I'm working on will be much longer.

Villain!Aizawa x ProHero!reader

Y/n is the pro hero Geko, and the villain Eraserhead seems to have taken a liking to her.

TW: mentions of killing


"Yeah, yeah I know," You said lazily back over your headset, straightening out your left sleeve. "You have to be careful, his first sighting was only a month ago and we still have no idea what his motives are." You sighed away from the mic so she wouldn't hear. "Yeah, so his quirk could be anything and extremely dangerous. Uh-huh." This was a completely routine night patrol. "It's not like I'm going to even run into him." You jumped from the higher rooftop you'd been on to a lower one, continuing to make your way through the city, you were in the bad part of town with mostly dank apartments and bars, the highest crime area of the city. You didn't know why your boss was in such a tussle over this new villain. He hadn't done anything but steal some hero quirk assessment files, and got caught on film doing it too, but everyone seemed terrified he was going to be a serious threat.

You suddenly saw movement in an alley a quarter block ahead. You dropped down silently to the roof just above it. "I think I found something," you said just loud enough for the headset to pick up. "Looks like just a thug though." Using your quirk to carefully ease yourself over the ledge silently onto an apartment walk, you kept to the shadows. Although you could see in the dark there appeared to be no one in the alley. Strange, you were certain you saw someone. As you were about to touch to talk into your headset you suddenly felt a long strip of cloth grip your wrist and around your mouth harshly. Quickly pulling you over the edge before you could react. You screamed, it muffled by the cloth as you activated your quirk catching your foot and other hand on the edge and underside of the walk. Just as you were about to uncover your mouth and call for backup you saw a small glint of red in the corner of your eye and suddenly, your quirk stopped. The alley went dark as the foot and hand you'd attached to the walk let go. You cursed loudly trying to reattach to no avail as you tumbled maybe eight feet before a pair of arms caught you. They smoothly and with deathly precision tied your hands and feet together and put you in a chokehold.

"Well, who's this now?" A husky voice said mere inches from your ear. You couldn't speak, the cloth wrapped several times around your mouth tightly. Shit. You thought. How the hell am I going to get out of this. He snatched your headset off and crushed it under his foot. "Out patrolling, huh? Not paying attention to your surroundings, practically begging for trouble." Using the hand that wasn't around your neck he brought a knife to your throat. You reacted quickly bending and smacking the back of your head into his nose. He stumbled back slightly giving you just enough time to get out of his grasp. You untwisted your feet and hands gingerly flexing your body several feet away from him and into a fighting stance. "Damnit," he said pulling his goggles up off his eyes and wiping the blood from his nose. "That was hot."

Finally able to see him you saw it was definitely the same man from the security tape, his long dark hair, dark slightly tattered clothes, grey scarf, and dirty yellow goggles were a dead giveaway. You really regretted getting so cocky earlier, it was obvious this guy knew his stuff. His hair seemed to fly up around him as he looked at you, his eyes flashing red. "What the hell is your deal?" You asked still on high alert and trying to think of a way out of there. For some reason last I saw his eyes flash like that my quirk stopped working, I need some plan to get past him and get backup. "My deal?" He tilted his head at you. You didn't expect that, if you were able to stall you'd definitely be able to think of something, but you really didn't think he'd be dumb enough to let you pull something like that. As you opened your mouth to reply he shot his scarf out and tripped you by the ankle. Damnit! He was trying to use exactly what I was trying back against me. You thought slightly impressed at him. Your back and head hit the ground hard knocking the wind out of you. Not wasting a second he quickly dragged you towards him kneeing down your legs and grasping both your hands. "That's better," he said. "Let's try again." Unable to move at the moment your heart rate picked up considerably. What does he want with me? You thought. Stuff wasn't adding up, you weren't one of the ones he'd stolen the quirk files on, what was he playing at? If you were just wrong place wrong time why hadn't he just made a break for it after crushing your headset? He definitely had some quirk or quirk ability that stopped others' quirks from working so getting away from you wouldn't have been hard at all. Why was he still here? He pulled the knife from earlier back out and ran the back of it down your neck and over the front of your hero costume. "Dumb colors," he commented. "Lemme guess, frog quirk?" He said stopping the knife just over your heart. You sucked in a breath your whole body stopping dead still. He had both your hands down with his scarf around your back and he'd shifted your legs under themselves so you were completely immobilized. You shut your eyes tightly, your chest rising and falling sporadically, bracing for what you were sure was going to be a stab straight into your chest, but nothing happened.

Several seconds passed and you heard him sigh deeply, then sheath the knife.

You opened your eyes. His expression seemed unnaturally casual. "I was going to kill you," he said nonchalantly. "But I really don't wanna hurt this pretty face." He ran his hand down your cheek lightly. What the hell?! You thought. Is he joking? His hold on your legs loosened slightly and you immediately took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach as hard as you could manage. He fell forward only slightly recovering quickly and twisting your arm sharply. You groaned in pain loudly not wanting to give this psychopath the satisfaction of a scream; there was no one around but drunk bastards, probably criminals themselves, to hear you anyway. A bit desperate at this point, you kicked your leg trying to get it out from under him. He countered, his knee stabbing into your calf painfully. You continued to try and pull and kick to try and at least get some hit in.

"You'd better quit that," he leaned in close to your ear. "Or I'll give you something to kick and moan about." You felt your face heat up as you tried to elbow him. He sat up now confidant in his hold on you and smirked. "C'mon, you haven't been very polite to me," "Because you're a goddamn sociopath." You said through gritted teeth. "You're just figuring that out now?" He gave you a quizzical look. He pulled a small eyedropper out of his pocket and quickly dropped two drops in each eye, blinking a few times after each before speaking again.

"I was looking for somebody noteworthy to kill to get a little attention, I'm just starting out after all," the tone of his voice made your stomach churn, he sounded like he'd just caught you on break at a café and was looking to chat for a couple of minutes. The way he just threw around the idea of killing someone made you feel sick. It doesn't sound like he's killed anyone yet, maybe there's still hope for him? You found your thoughts drifting. "Someone that'd be noticed," he continued. "A hero, definitely someone whose death would make a point about the corruption in this society." He brought you back to the here and now, looking at your expression he chuckled softly. "But I really don't think I can make it to you." He drew out the word really much longer than it should have been. You shivered as he brought his hand to your cheek, bringing his face in close to yours. His eyes looked tired and slightly high, and you could now see very clearly the stubble on his face and what looked to be a deep curved scar under his right eye. "There's just something about you that's gotten me a bit... Intrigued."

The faint sound of sirens came into earshot. "Well that's my cue," his eyes flashed red plunging the alley back into darkness for you as he swiftly untangled and cut his scarf from your body standing up. Not looking away from you he hooked his scarf over the top of the building and pulled himself up and in a matter of seconds, he was gone. You stumbled to your feet, shaken, your legs covered in bruises and your arm very sore, clutching your hand over your heart trying to regulate your breathing. Intrigued. What the hell did he mean by that? You had a feeling as two police cars pulled up in front of the alley that this definitely wouldn't be the last time you saw him.

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