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Aizawa x teacher!reader

You and Aizawa have been working at U.A. together for years, yet he's never picked up on your liking of him. Or so it seems.


You walked down the hall, a large stack of papers in hand, several assignments you needed to go over with Aizawa for grading. Most people of the other teachers didn't enjoy working with Aizawa much at all, but that was the complete opposite for you. You absolutely adored any time you spent with him. You turned the corner idly counting the room numbers till you reached Aizawa's classroom. You knocked even though the door was open. "Yes? What do you want?" He asked not looking up from several sheets of paper sprawled across his desk, seemingly in some sort of order. "I brought the assignments we assigned," you walked a couple of steps into the room. "I need to go over them with you for grading." "Right," he said glancing at you. You took that as the most of an invitation you were going to get and sat down. He stacked several of the papers making barely enough space for you to set down your own papers.

He pulled the first paper off the top of the stack and started reading it. "That's Kaminari's assignment, isn't it?" Aizawa hummed in response. "Half-assed as usual. He rushes everything at the last second. I'll have to speak with him about it." He wrote a note on the top left corner quickly and picked up another. He read over it, wrote a note in the corner, and picked up another. This went on for about five minutes before you spoke up.

"Are you going to discuss them with me?" He looked up at you setting down the paper he'd been holding, it was definitely Ashido's given the bright stickers all over the header. "I'm leaving notes for you to grade later. You can leave. You're on break aren't you?"

"Oh, right," you said. "I was kinda thinking we were going to work on them together?" He raised an eyebrow at you. "We are." He stared blankly. "I mean like, talk about it."

"I don't see why that's important, there's nothing more I have to say that I can't just write down. If you want to speak with the students with me after classes tomorrow that would be logical, considering we both teach them." You sighed fiddling with your hands. "It's not that important. I just like spending time with you." The air around you both seemed to freeze suddenly. "What?" He asked. It hung in the air for several seconds before you answered. "I-I like spending time with you," You repeated starting to regret ever saying it in the first place. He looked over your face stoically. "That doesn't really improve our teaching,"

You stared at him. He'd picked his pen back up and was clicking it, pressing the end against his bottom lip. He idly pulled up the corner off the top of a stack of papers to look at the paper underneath. Is he messing with me?  You thought as he tilted his head at whatever he was reading on the paper. Or is he just this dense?  You knew Aizawa to be extremely smart and quick to pick up on things, you really didn't know what was up with him. He seemed completely unaware you'd literally just confessed to having a thing for him. He looked up at the clock. "I believe you have a class to get to." He said. "Oh yeah. I do," you said standing up. "I'll give these to you before I leave for the day," he said gesturing to the stack you'd left. "Great. Thanks." You replied almost sarcastically. Aizawa paid it no mind as he continued with his work.


You sighed as the last couple students left the classroom, chatting about some pro's recent feat. You sat down at your desk resting your chin on your hand. "Here." You jumped slightly looking up. Aizawa was standing next to your desk, holding out the stack of papers to you. You hadn't heard him come in. "Jesus you're quiet." You said taking it from him. You looked over his neat handwriting. It detailed his rather objective opinion on each student's work, and where they needed improvement, pretty basic, and very direct. You were having trouble focusing knowing Aizawa was looking right at you. "Is something wrong?" He asked. You looked up. "No... No, this is good. Thank you." You stood up gathering your things, wanting to be the one to walk out of the awkwardness of this conversation, if you could even call it that. "Have a good rest of your day, l/n-san." He said after you. You stopped midway through the door and turned. "Yeah, you too." You walked out and down the hall.

The next day was going to be rather uneventful, pretty standard battle training. You mostly taught defense but were pretty skilled at both. Of course, being let out and allowed almost unrestricted quirk use meant you really had to watch the more competitive kids. You'd quit being an active pro to teach at U.A., although you were still on call for emergencies.
Guess they just liked your matter manipulation quirk that much.

You brightened significantly when you got the lesson plan for the day and learned you'd be paired up with Aizawa for teaching. You smiled and then felt your heart sink slightly. This is stupid, getting excited over working with him. I should just ask him out. You sighed your former excitement gone as you started to dread being stuck in the gym with him and all of class 1-A for a full hour.


"Here," Aizawa said handing you an icepack.  "Thanks," you said dryly, taking it from him and holding it against your throbbing temple. You'd had a hard time concentrating. You were a great pro hero, but his skill paired with your hesitation meant you really just got your ass kicked. Thankfully the students had been a bit too impressed and excited to really make you feel embarrassed about it. Nonetheless, it was still humiliating. He was standing by the counter, leaning on it with his hands, his hair covering his face from view. You glanced up at him. He wasn't leaving... I should ask him...Now would be a perfect time... No now would not be a perfect time! You thought mentally slapping yourself. He'd just bested you. There wasn't space for that kinda thing in this environment. He wasn't dense, he was just avoiding stupid drama. You sighed. Then why is he still here? He didn't need to stay, why was he just sitting there, with his baggy clothes and gorgeous hair- "Y/n?" He asked, still not looking up at you. "Were you hesitating?"

Your breath caught in your throat and immediately spoke. "Yes."
"Is there a reason? It's important that you do your best out there. This whole generation of students are counting on us." You tilted your head at his tone, it was softer than usual, way more unguarded and open, almost compassionate. "I... Um...." You suddenly realized he'd used your first name. "Please be honest with me." He looked at you with eyes that made your heart skip a beat. "I've been wanting to ask you out. On a date. For what seems like forever," You said before you could talk yourself out of it. He groaned and let his head fall back, pinching the bridge of his nose with his right hand. "Goddamnit L/n...." He muttered. "You knew this whole time?" You asked feeling your face flush. "Of course. Look, if I go out with you will you start doing your job?"

You weren't sure whether to be mad or absolutely overjoyed. You wanted to correct him, say that you were doing your job, just... Not as well as you could be, but you just nodded instead. You swear you saw the slightest brush of a smile on his face as he visibly relaxed. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow." He left the room before you could finish processing fully just what had happened.

Well, wasn't the worst it could've turned out. You thought as you got up and tossed the icepack back into the freezer.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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