This Love

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So, for some weird ass reason, I thought Will and Margot slept with each other like in 2016, but it was back in 2013. Maybe that's what Cara was talking about. Who know, anyways this is gonna be long (I hope) and will mention a miscarriage. Uh, yea.... It's hard typing "hope you like it, enjoy" after that, but yea, you get it. And yes, Daya was pregnant while she drank, but when she took the test, all five of them, they were all negative.



Daya O'Neal didn't know what to say. She was speechless. But that could happen after finding out your wife cheated on you three hours after you got married, nearly 7 years ago. And with your best friend no less. Hey, at least it wasn't some random that gave her something. Right?

No! That asshole, who's suppose to be her friend, fuck her wife, mere hours after they got married!? Only assholes do that! And apparently, both Margot and Will were assholes.

Daya grabbed her tablet, and went in search of her wife, or, soon-to-be ex-wife. She still doesn't know yet. "Margot!" The lavender hair colored woman called out, wanting to know where her wife was, no, she needed to know where she was.

"Kitchen!" She heard the blonde haired woman call out. Taking a deep breath, Daya told herself, demanded to herself that she wouldn't cry. 'Cause if she cried, Margot will cry, and Daya would fall into her wife's arms. That couldn't happen.

The last step on the stairs squeaked, alerting Margot to her wife, the blonde smiled lovingly at Daya, but frowning when she saw unshed tears in her wife's eyes. "Babe?" The blonde whispered softly, which was all Daya needed before the tears were unleashed. And that's when Margot freaked. "Love, what happened? Is your family okay? Did your grandma pass? Do we-"

"Stop!" The yell makes Margot jump, and then the tablet is thrust into her face.

Will Smith Reveals He Drunkenly Slept With Margot Robbie Back In 2013!

The Australian actress pales as she reads the article, looking up at her wife midway through the article. Hot tears spill down Daya's cheeks. "Please tell me that night, was before our wedding day. Or even before the wedding itself. If you did it hours before we said those two words, we can talk. Because it'll would've been your last stint at single life. But, if you did it, with on our wedding night, hours after we got married, when you went missing on me, we're over Margot. So tell me, tell me you did not fuck Will, after we got married. You didn't fuck Will when you were suppose to fuck me." Hot salty tears roll down both ladies faces.

Margot stays quiet, but continues to stare at her wife, as Daya's lips quiver. "You bitch..." the singer utters breathlessly, causing Margot to flinch. Daya spins on her heels, making her way to her bedroom, slamming the door before grabbing her suitcase.

The singer quickly packs her suitcase quite full, trying to fit a lot in a tiny package just so she won't have to come back. As Daya angrily sits on the case, trying to get it to close, the door opens, revealing a heartbroken Margot.

"Daya..." the singer looks up, a pang of hurt flicks through her heart, but she shakes her head, sending the woman a glare.

"Leave me alone." Daya mutters.

"I'm sorry..." the actress whispers.

"Sorry? You're sorry? Sorry for what Margot? For sleeping with a person who's suppose to be my best friend? For sleeping with him on our wedding night? For not telling me? Sorry for what Margot, you need to be a bit specific there."

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