Flirting with danger

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- Takes place in Iron Man 2
- Reader is Starks daughter
- Pepper is a mom to reader and whoever says otherwise will get kicked in the head
- Reader hates her dad's playboy lifestyle and hates that he takes risks
- Reader thinks Natasha's gorgeous and gets incredibly shy around her



The window in her bedroom overlooked the ocean, giving her such a wonderful view. It was a calming scene, especially on beautiful sunny days and when she'd leave her window open, she'd get that lovely ocean smell that would encase her whole room. To her, it was the best room in the house, and even though it was a bit far from everything else, she didn't mind. The view was worth it.

Y/n put another pillow on the bench, then grabbed her sketch pad and sat down, looking out the window, before putting the pencil to paper. She worked slowly, taking her time so she wouldn't mess up. It's not really a long process, but it's a tedious one, at least for Y/n. So, she takes her time. But, by the time her stomach grumbles for food, she's nearly done, only needing to add a few finishing touches. But, that can wait for later.

She takes her pencil and pad with her as she makes her way to the kitchen, wondering what she'll eat, but stops short at the surprise awaiting her in the kitchen. The woman - who's only in a t-shirt and panties, is exceptional beautiful as she waits for her coffee. "Oh, hello." The woman jumps a bit, looking up at Y/n as a sly smile appears on her lips.

"Miss Stark, your father said you were out of town. Hope the noise didn't keep you wake last night." The not so hidden smirk told otherwise. Y/n cleared her throat, looking for a reply.

"There's my bunny!" Y/n turned, and gave her dad a smile. Her father kissing her forehead, then looked up. The woman gave him a wink.

"Dad, what did I say about ladies coming home with you?" She looked up at Tony, raising her eyebrow. He chuckled and clapped his hands, obviously forgetting.

"To make sure they're cute?" He asks, the woman chuckles as she walks back, both of them watching her ass sway.

"Sure, but no. Make sure they're clothed before walking out of your room. Daddy, you'd promise you stop."

"I know, I know, but look at her, she's beautiful." Her eyes harden.

"So was my ex-girlfriend.." Tony deflates, letting out a sigh. He knew he did wrong with that one.

"I know... I'm sorry Y/n, but hey, it has been a few months since my last, right? Don't I at least get a freebie?" She scoffs, walking towards the kitchen, and putting her sketch pad down.

"You make it sound like a puppy got a hold of my shoe and tore it up." Y/n opens the fridge and starts to rummage inside, looking for the leftover chicken. "It still doesn't make it right."

"I know-"

"I assume that woman in your bedroom getting dressed is yours Tony?" Pepper came around, looking at her dad with a raised eyebrow.

Y/n gave a smile, walking over to Pepper and hugging her tight. "Hi momma." Pepper returned the hug, kissing Y/n's forehead.

"Hi darling. Ready for today?" She asked, but Y/n immediately flushed at the thought of it.

"Ready for what? What's going on today?" Y/n looked at her dad, trying to hide the disappointment in her eyes.

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