Selena + Chef

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Even though I've only seen the clips from YouTube, that show is just amazing. Selena is just the cutest and her Papa and Nana are amazing! Enjoy!



Hearing the air horn go off just as she stepped into her home, Marjorie knew it's that kind of day. A day where Nana and Papa simply want to play pranks the whole day. And Marjorie doesn't mind. She even joins in sometimes, if she's in the joking mood. But, Marjorie just wished it wasn't today. She was just tired and wanted to nap. But, now knew that wasn't gonna be possible.

But, like she said, she didn't mind.

Walking closer to the kitchen, she heard the air horn go off again, then heard Selena start yelling at her Papa to stop it. "Give it to me." The singer demanded, but he doesn't hand it over.

"Darling, leave your grandfather alone." Marjorie tells, walking into the beautiful kitchen. She gives hugs and kisses to the grandparents first, then walks over to Selena and kisses her softly. "Hi baby." The woman says softly, kissing the crown of her girlfriend's forehead.

"Hi, I missed you." Selena wraps her up into a hug, relaxing against her girlfriend's body.

"Missed you too baby." She replies softly, placing a kiss on top of Selena's forehead. "Papa picking on you?" Marjorie asks, earning a nod and pout from the amateur chef. "How dare he." She replies. Selena simply nods, raising her head from Marjorie's shoulder, and pecking her lips.

"I know. How's the restaurant?" The singer asks, reaching over to grab a piece of pear.

Marjorie goes to grab a water, then sits next to Papa. "It's good. Cleaning day so everything was deep cleaned and now smells fresh. Then I left the rest of them to prep for tomorrow's service. Besides, I want to be here to watch you cook for once, instead of watching over tv." Selena gives a smile, quickly pecking her girlfriend's lips.

"Well, it won't be anything like yours." The singer replies, but Marjorie shakes her head.

"Hey, stop. It doesn't matter if you can't even boil water, I am so incredibly proud of you and what you're doing. You're giving it your all, and that's all that matters. And your food turns out great most of the time, so please don't be too hard on yourself, alright?" Selena gives her girlfriend a wistful smile, then kisses her as thanks.

"You're sweet, my love." Selena whispers in reply.

"You deserve it." Marjorie whispers back.

"Okay, enough sappiness." Papa replies, earning giggles from the two ladies.

"Sorry Papa. Imma take a shower, then I'll be back if you need help, okay?" Selena gives a nod, pecking her cheek, then finishes preparing for what she's suppose to make later.


It doesn't take Marjorie long to shower, the young chef just needed all the chemical smell to wash off. She doesn't bother with make-up, but does put a light shade of lipstick on. Then ties her light lavender colored hair up, before slipping on an old superhero t-shirt, and a pair of Selena's sweats.

When the young woman steps downstairs, Selena already started her cooking. The smell of onions being sautéed fills her nose, wondering what she plans on making with them. "So far, it smells good." Marjorie comments, stepping into the kitchen with a smile.

"I've only just begun." Selena replies with a laugh, continuously stirring the browning onions.

"Well, it still smells good." Marjorie tells,  walking over to kiss her girlfriend's cheek.

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