~Chapter 2~

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Yeri p.o.v

It was our day off when me and Wendy hung out at the cake restaurant – our favourite place on earth. The chill jazz music playing in the background was totally up Wendy's alley. I sometimes hear her sing along or hum the tune while ordering which delicious dessert to eat. Speaking of singing, I haven't heard Wendy's beautiful voice in a while. I might ask her if she wants to go to a karaoke bar one day.

Oh yeah, maybe she could also bring her wife Sooyoung too.

"Hey, Wendy." I started speaking "I was thinking — why don't we go to a karaoke bar sometime? Sooyoung can come too!"

"I don't know... She's a busy woman and she hardly gets any days off at all." Wendy huffed, showing a slight hint of disappointment, "I sure hope she's doing ok..."

"Is she dealing with a difficult sick patient?" I asked.

"Well—Not exactly difficult, per se, but more..." Wendy trailed off, trying to find a word "Of a special case."

"So, basically difficult?"

Wendy glared at me "Smartass."

I laughed, "Tell me something I don't know. But seriously, please ask her to come with us when we do go to a karaoke bar!"

Wendy chuckled "You really want to see her, huh?"

Well, yeah that's part of it, but mostly I just want to hear Wendy and Sooyoung singing together. A powerful duet made by the heavens with their voices being kissed by angels.

Oh, God — when the fuck did I become a poet?

"Of course, I do! I need my teammate to join me in teasing the squirrel."

"Teasing the squirrel? What the fuck is that?"

"It's a game where you throw insults at the squirrel with love." I answered with a smirk.

Wendy opened her mouth to say something but didn't. She thought about it for a before her eyes when wide in realisation. "'Throwing insults with love' my ass! You're an absolute cunt."

I cackled "Took you long enough, squirrel." Her cheeks puffed up as her eyebrows knitted together. To anyone outside of Wendy's circle of friends, she can be scary when she's angry but there's a difference between this facial expression and her actual furious facial expression.

God, I love teasing this tiny woman and so does Sooyoung!

"I don't like how the two of you gang up on me and tease me." Wendy sighed heavily.

"Aw come on, are you rejecting our love for you?" I said, taking mock offence.

"You call that love?"

"Teasing is another sign of endearment," I replied with a comeback.

"I'll wipe that smug face off with a comeback one day."

"Don't bother trying. You won't win."

"Fuck you."

"Say that to your wife, not me."

"Oh, my God— Well, go fuck yourself then!"

"Gladly," I remarked nonchalantly as I read the menu, "I'd rather it be me than you."

"Argh!" Wendy then grumbled in frustration to herself while I laughed, hard.

Aha! What a sore loser.

"You're so fun to tease!"

"Roast me one more time and I won't bring Sooyoung to the karaoke bar."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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