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Your mom was very strict about you staying safe and not going out if you didn't need to, but you couldn't go without seeing Dallas. So every day after dinner you would go for a walk and meet Dallas at the drive-in movies because it was closed, so no one was there. You too would just run around laughing, pushing over chairs, throwing dirt and sand at each other, and leaving cancer sticks everywhere. Then once the sun started to set he would take you to the seat where you first met each other with Cherry, Ponyboy, and Johnny. He would tell you every time how amazing you looked and then he would kiss you and hold you tight until you had to leave.


Since ponyboy didn't have parents to tell him he can't go out, he would always come over and see you while your parents were at work and leave before they came home. You guys would listen to records and dance around your bedroom, bake cookies and other sweets and then watch Mickey Mouse on your bed. You loved seeing him, every time you wished he could stay longer but you knew if you got caught, both you and he would be killed by your father.


Soda couldn't afford to stop working because of COVID-19, so you would go visit him at work every day you could. You would sit in the back on an old crate that had milk in and sing to him while he stocks shelves. You would bring your guitar and play for him and Steve would let you swipe some cigarettes before you left. Soda, whenever he had the chance, would give you pecks on the lips and little kisses on your forehead. He would take 99 cents and let you pick a soda from the machine, and every time you would make the joke that you choose him to be your soda. it was stupid but you managed to make him laugh every damn time.


Darry and you were a lot like Soda. He couldn't take the time off so you would bring him lunch at work and stay and talk to him for about an hour every day so he wouldn't miss you too much.  You would sit him down in front of you and rub his shoulder and back and just talk about your day and your plans for the week. It didn't seem like much but Darry appreciated you every day. Darry also likes to tease you about how small you are compared to him, and he does this by picking you up by your waist and sitting you on a counter, making fun of you for blushing. You would pretend you hate it, but you really love it when he pays attention to you. Darry knew this without you having to tell him


Johnny was rarely at his house anyway, so you two would go to the park and kick a soccer ball around or play on the swings like 5-year-olds. You loved seeing him happy and wished the absolute best for him. He would bring you flowers from his neighbour's house every day, each day was a different colour flower and you had to guess the colour. Every time you got it wrong Johnny would kiss you so you would guess all the colours that it obviously wasn't so that you could kiss him more.


Twobit would bring chocolate cake and beer to you every day at some point, even though you knew it was bad for you, you always had half the beer and a bite of a cake so he wouldn't feel bad. You guys would fold laundry together and he would help your sister with her chores while you made dinner for them all. It was like you guys were a little family. All though you knew at one point things will resolve itself and life would be back to normal, you still loved the routine you guys have put together. You loved seeing the childlike, friendly side of Twobit. He didn't act like that around the others, but when you two were alone, he is the biggest baby on the planet.


Much like Soda, you would go visit him at work. You would bring him sandwiches you and your mum made the night before and give him little pieces of it every time he walked in and out of the store. Soda would tease you guys like there was no tomorrow, and every time Steve would blush and hide his face in the side of your neck and place feather light kisses there. You were absolutely in love with this boy and only wanted the best for him. You would make sure he was drinking water and eating, making sure he got enough sleep and didn't smoke too much.

wow, it's been a while since I posted, my bad. I hope everyone is enjoying their first few days of school and that your stay safe. I'm sorry if this isn't the best, it's late and I'm super sleep deprived 💗💗 stay gold- Kira

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