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-Pick you up at your house
-You guys would go for a cruise
-He'd take you to an open field where you wouldn't see much, but he could stare at you for hours
-He'd drive you home and then pull you into a long kiss
-Then he would wink at you have drive off

- You walk to the Curtis house from school where Pony would have to convince Darry that
you guys were only going to the library to study
-He would eventually convince him and you would walk hand in hand to the library
-He would drag you to the back of the library and you guys would sit together and just talk about life
-Then you would go watch the sunset and he would tell you his favourite book quotes
-After he would walk you home so you wouldn't get jumped my Soc's
-He would hug you "goodbye" at the door, then you would kiss his cheek and he would get all red and flustered
-He then would place a small kiss on your lips and start walking home

- You  would go see him at the DX
-He would sneak you into the back where he set up a small table to look like a fancy restaurant
-Instead of wine, you have 10 cent cokes and some sour skittles from the DX
-Then he would put on a record on a record player and a slow song would come on
-You and him would slow dance around the small room and he would kiss your forehead time to time
-Then he would close up shop and you would walk to the Curtis house and stay the night there

-Ponyboy would be at school and Soda would be at the DX so you guys had the house to yourselves
-You would spend the day baking cupcakes
-You would constantly throw the baking ingredients at him
-He would pick you up and set you on a clean part of the counter
-You guys would stare at each other for minutes and then he would lean down and kiss your lips softly
-You both would smile into the kiss and then he would carefully put you down and you would finish the cupcakes, still throwing ingredients at him
-The you guys would ice them and decorate
-Darry put some icing on your nose and then leaned down and pecked your lips
-After they were done you would eat them on the couch and watch tv

-He wouldn't want to take you anywhere you could risk getting hurt, so you guys and the gang all went to the park
-He would push you on the swings and you guys would throw around a football
-you two would lie on the grass with your head on his chest and talk about whatever came to mind
-when it started to get dark he would grab your hip and pull you close to him, so he knew you were safe
-When when you had to walk home, he lent you his jacket and hold your hand
- Dallas would walk a few feet behind to keep you safe, but to give you guys some privacy
-When you got to your house, Johnny would tell you to keep the jacket and would kiss your cheek

-He would take you to see a movie
-Of course you guys would sneak in snacks and drinks and not pay for anything
-He would give you his leather jacket and put an arm around you
- Randomly during the movie you would catch him gazing at you or he would turn your head and plant a kiss on your lips, making you smile
-After the movie, he would drive you home
-Before you would get out of the car, he would take off his Mickey shirt and give it to you to keep
-you put it in right then and there and him seeing you in his favourite shirt made I'm blush like and idiot, then you would skip off to your house and he would drive away happy

-Steve would take you to a dinner and buy you your favourite food
-He would complement the hell out of you and 100% gas you up the whole time
-You and him would sneak out before the waiter came by with the bill
- You ran beside a building and he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a kiss, and then wrapped you in his arms because you mean so much to him
-Then you would walk to your house, where he would spend the night

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