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- He walks by your room and hears you singing along with the song playing on the radio.
- He just stands in the doorway watching you dance around and sing
- "You've got some pretty good vocals babe" He says and he wraps his arms around your waist
- You jump a little but then hold its arms and smile super wide
- "Thanks Dal" you turn around and kiss him

- Your in your living room playing piano and singing while Pony reads on the couch.
- You hit every note and hit runs you have never hit before
- Pony just sits there pretending to read so that you keep your focus, he is absolutely amazed but your talent for music
- After you are done the song you turn around to find him with a big stupid smile on his face
- You start to blush as you turn to sit beside him, pecking his lips and leaning your head on his shoulder

- Your staying the night at the Curtis brothers house and you are playing the ukulele while the boys are out doing boy things
- You dont here them come in the back door, so you keep playing and singing
- The 3 boys stand in the kitchen and listen to you, Sodas face turns as red and cherrys hair
- When you finish the song all 3 of them give you a standing ovation. You jump and turn around to find them all standing there clapping
- "Baby that was amazing, i had no clue you could sing or play an instrument!" Soda says as he picks you up and spins you around

- He had just gotten into a fight with Soda and Ponyboy so he came over to your house to try and calm down
- He walked in very mad and upset and just wanted to hold you in his arms
- You our down your book that you were reading and pulled Darry into a hug
- You guys sat on the couch together and you started humming your guys song
- "Hey could you sing that song, i want to hear your voice. It might calm me down" Darry said through tears.
-" Of course i will love" You said and started singing the song. Soon enough Darrys breathing steadied out and he fell asleep, no sooner than you had

- You guys were at Bucks and he was having a karaoke night, you had lost a bet with Johnny so he made you go up and sing something
- You decides to sing the song that you guys had your first kiss to
- Johnny's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the first verse
- You sang the song beautifully and everyone clapped and cheered when you were done
- You headed back to your seat beside Johnny and he leaned in and whispered in your ear
-" You should sing to me like that more often, i really enjoyed it"

- You were all sitting playing truth or dare and Dallas had dared you to sing to the group, thinking you weren't a good singer
- You smirked and him and started to sing Twobits favourite song
- Everyone's jaws were on the floor by the time you were done and Dallas had turned beet red
- Twobit gabbed you by the waist and sat you down on his lap grabbing your hand
- He laugh at Dallas, "Y/n, I dare you to sing cause your probably no good" He made fun of Dallas and we all laughed, of course not Dally.

- You guys were in the car and you were singing along to the song playing on the radio and steve stopped the car
- " Steve what the hell! What are you doing!"
- He just looked at you and turned the music down. "Can you sing like that for me without the music?"
- "Yes but why did you stop the car hon?"
- "Because your singing was beautiful" He said making you blush
- He started the car again and started driving with you singing to him

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