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Dallas- Heterochromia (Where the iris of a persons eyes are two different colours).
He loves looking into your eyes because he finds them absolutely astonishing. When you two are walking and the sun shines just right onto your face, he will stop you just to look into your eyes. He gives you compliments about it any chance he gets because he knows you get insecure about them.

Pony- Vitiligo (where some of the skin loses its pigmentation causing discoloured patches). Ponyboy loves to kiss all the patches on your skin and tell you how beautiful you are. When your feeling stressed or nervous, he will trace the bigger patches and tell you how proud of you he is and how much he loves you. Sometimes when you two are goofing around, he will take a marker and draw little faces on the patches and name them after the gang. When you two are cuddling, he will just randomly out of no where start kissing them, counting them to make sure their all accounted for because he doesn't want anything about you to change, in a good way. He loves every patch on your skin. Plus your skin is so soft that he could run his hands up and down your arms for hours.

Soda- Stretch Marks (lines or streaks on the skin that is cause by rapid growth such as pregnancy but occur in most women because of puberty).
This man loves your tiger stripes. He knows you get insecure about them so he does everything he can to reassure you and tell you that you are perfect just the way you are. When you two are cuddling or even just walking in the park, he will put his hand on your waist and trail his finger up and down them. One because he knows your ticklish and two because he wants you to know that he loves every part of you. Even the parts you don't like about yourself, this boy is so in love with you that he borderline makes you love yourself <3

Darry- Small hands (pretty self explanatory)
Since Darry is sorta a big guy, whenever you two hold hands you get nervous because his hand is so much bigger than yours. When he catches you bugging about the size of your hands, he will grab them and kiss them and tell you that you don't need to be shy about the size of your hands. He says that they fit perfectly in his and he loves when you run them through his hair or down his back. Once he sees that your either smiling or blushing, he'll kiss them once more and proceed with whatever he was doing. He just wants to make sure that you know that he loves every single part of you, big or small.

Johnny- Having either a big or a small nose.
Johnny as shy as he is, has certain things that he finds fascinating about you. One of those things happens to be your nose. He adores how it fits your face so perfectly, and he definitely loves to give you little kisses on it. When your sad he will sit beside you and kiss your nose and your cheeks until you smile or start giggling. He LOVES when you wear blush, especially when you put a little on your nose because he thinks it looks so cute. Johnny knows what being insecure and shy feels like so he will do everything in his power to make sure you feel loved and appreciated all the time.

Twobit- Having some extra weight (Again self explanatory)
We all know he likes thick girls. We also all know that whenever he gets the change to, he will slap your ass or grab your thighs. Whenever he sees you looking in the mirror, whether your happy or sad, he will come up behind you and wrap his arms around you. He will start telling you how much he loves your body and how perfect all of you is to him. When you two are sitting and relaxing, he likes sitting with his head in between your thigh so he can hold them and maybe poke them just to bother you. When your feeling really insecure about them, he will sit you down on the bed, kneel between them and just hold you. He tells you that you have nothing to be insecure about, he tells you how beautiful you are and how so in love with you he is. He might not have the best way with words, but when it comes to telling you all the things he loves about you, he's an open book.

Steve- Chubby cheeks/a round face (plsss chubby cheeks are so freaking cute! Okay I'm sorry I'll continue :))
As much as he may tease you about having such a round face or a "baby face" is someone else comments on it, he might just light their house on fire...with them in it. It's only okay for him to tease you because you and him both know that he is teasing and doesn't really mean what he is saying. But when someone else does it, he never knows if they are just kidding around or if they are genuinely insulting you. He likes to walk up to you while your making coffee or breakfast and just, hold your face in his hands for a few seconds then walk away and continue with whatever he was doing. You find it a little strange, but it's something you only let him do, and that makes both you and him feel special'

Alright alright. On a serious note, your bodies are all perfect. I don't care what you said about it. Your body is absolutely beautiful. There is not one thing wrong with any part of you, I promise. I know we all have times where we don't like what we see in the mirror, but you are perfect just the way you are. So I don't wanna see ANYONE SAY ANYTHING THAT ISNT POSITIVE ALRIGHT,,!!
Anyways I love you all, y'all are absolute angels and I hope you have a good day/night <3

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