Chapter 2

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The clock hit midnight and (Y/N) wanted to head back towards the ballroom for one last dance before the night was over. While the two were making their way back to the ballroom, (Y/N) felt a presence staring at her and sure enough she was correct. "Why are you looking at me like that", (Y/N) asked the gentleman. "When you see a piece of art, you cannot simply look at it once. You must admire it from all angles; that is what I am doing with you", the gentleman replied with a grin and eyes that seemed to give a sense of comfort. (Y/N) bit her bottom lip and giggled; she looked at him and glanced up and down. She began to lean closer towards him when a couple interrupted them and announced, "The last dance is next"! The gentleman knew what was about to happen and was disappointed. He stood up to follow (Y/N) and he grabbed onto his pant leg in frustration making a clenched fist.

As the two were dancing and the tension intensified into a strong sexual feeling between the two, they acted as if it wasn't there. They glanced at each other at the same time, then looked away in synch. As the music began to crescendo into the chorus, (Y/N) felt his hand on her waist squeeze her closer in. She didn't pull away, instead she welcomed the closeness and could feel his heavy breathing on top of his strong abdominal muscles. As (Y/N) was thoroughly enjoying the closeness, the dance came to an end. The dancers on the floor all erupted in applause and cheered for the conductor. While  (Y/N) joined in on the applause, she began to notice the noise began to lessen and noticed everyone's eyes were still upon the stage. She glanced up and noticed this tall, dark, muscular figure walk towards the microphone on stage. "Good evening. Thank you for coming tonight. Enjoy the rest of the evening", the figure said in a deep and sensual tone. (Y/N) was intrigued as to who that mysterious figure was. She watched as he glided off stage and disappeared. The music began again and (Y/N) leaned towards her dance partner and asked, "So who was that just now on stage"? "That was my commander, also known as the Supreme Leader of the First Order. You know, Kylo Ren", he replied. (Y/N) intrigued but then realized all the rumors she had heard and bad reputations he had and quickly became uninterested.

"I am getting a bit tired from dancing. Would you like to join me in the courtyard?" he asked while extending his large veiny hand for hers. (Y/N) responding and placing her small dainty hand in his, "I would love to". The two walked hand in hand towards the courtyard which was known as the most beautiful garden in the galaxy. "Have you been enjoying the evening with me?", he asked her while sitting down on a nearby bench. "I truly have. To be honest this has been my first dance in which I had a dance partner", (Y/N) replied while also sitting down.
They sat in silence for a few minutes but close together. "Please forgive me, but I seemed to have been having so much fun this evening that I never caught your name", (Y/N) said in a nervous yet giggling tone. "Oh not to worry", he replied while shifting his body towards her. "The name is Luke. And you are?", he responded while bowing towards her. "My name is (Y/N), it's a pleasure to officially greet one another", she responded in a flirtatious and high pitched voice.
"Well Luke, I have had quite an amazing night with you!", (Y/N) said while smiling and pushing her hair back. "I hope to see you again. Hopefully sooner rather than later", he replied while inching closer to her. She also inched closer and began to feel his arm moving closer without it even touching her. As (Y/N) began to go in to kiss Luke on the cheek, a voice from the building shouted, "(Y/N), quick hurry the ship is here to go home!". The two stepped away from each other and Luke walked (Y/N) back towards the building for one last goodbye before the night ended. (Y/N) climbed into the ship and flew home with her family.

Luke watched the ship off and awaited the rest of the guest's departure as a soldier. As soon as the party was empty, Luke was approached by his boss, the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Luke spoke to him and said, "I thank you for your duty tonight". Luke then watches him remove his helmet and then is told, "Of course Master Kylo. It was my honor to cover for you tonight". "Luke, for being my cover and pretending to be me tonight, you can have tomorrow off. So long as you keep this secret between you and I, deal?", Kylo said in a serious tone. "Of course Master, between us only", Luke then replied and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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