☺Im Fine☺

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•Liyah Pov•

I know y'all like how am I going to have a pov and I'm little well my sister taught new everything she can early.....I want Blossom to think about what I said I want her to go out somewhere and find her a Man and have fun instead of always sitting in the house watching me like a baby!! I can take care of my self at times and sometimes I can't, But she need to go out sometimes...... I really do want her to be with someone who makes her smile and I want her to come in the house and show who she dating, I want her to have fun and get a boyfriend who always make her laugh I WANT THAT!! I really didn't know she was talking to me until she started snapping her fingers in by face......

"Aaliyah Rose Jefferson!! *Blossom screamed*

"O...Huh...Yes?" *I said snapping out of thoughts*

"What were u thinking about?" *Blossom asked with a smirk*

"I want you to go out and have fun and find a boyfriend. I don't want you always sitting in the house having to watch me I am a big girl I can watch myself . I want you to go out tonight find a good restaurant go there and have a good time. Meet people and come back and tell me what kind of fun you had", Liyah said

"OMG I didn't know you felt that way about me..I always thought you would always want to spend time with me.... I didn't never notice I spent so nice time with you I thought I was pushing you away from me!" Blossom said.

"NO I love having you around ITS just that you spending so much time with me in the house you don't really talking to nobody But me and Camery.. So I want you to go out tonight and have a great time!"

"No I don't want to leave you if I leave you to go somewhere who is going to watch you for me?" Blossom asked..

"Me I don't have a problem watching her if i  been helping you her whole life.!! ", Camery said coming from the kitchen

"Ok but umm i dont know what to wear you know how I dress I dress like a Tomboy / Thug I don't know what to do!" BLOSSOM said Panicking

Camery and Aaliyah look at each other smiling real hard

"What y'all smiling for??"

They looked around each other and yelled ''SHOPPING'' like white girls...

"Wow y'all are like totally crazy ya know ", *Blossom said in a white girl voice*

"I know right But hold up me and Cam got to get dress Sissy Dukes"..

"Ite But hurry I want to see what y'all have in store for me"

They both ran upstairs and ran in different directions...

•Camery Pov•

Well as Me and Aaliyah ran different directions we went to our rooms...We both didn't take that long i dont think!! We were matching but different colors... I had on a jumper with a Red belly shirt and my 'Retro 6 Jordans'...I was looking bomb But I ain't gon brag about it I put my red beats around my neck and walked in Aaliyah room.... She a little girl But dress like she bout my age... We dress the same But different color I had red But she had purple...She had need jumper her purple Shirt and her 'Retro 6 Purple Jordans'.... We were twinzies.!!! We ran down stairs to get a stair from just 1 person (Blossom)..

"Bloss stop staring and come on", Aaliyah said..



"O...umm y'all look cute and y'all matching But y'all got on different colors "

Aaliyah and Camery started laughing and then pulled me out the door.and we got in the car...We pulled up to the mall and got out....

We grabbed a couple of things for ourselves, But then they started looking for stuff for me to go out in!! I looked surprise at what Aaliyah picked up. She pick up a Black Dress with my back hanging out a little and some black heels with gold at the bottom , I liked it so I got it they both cheered in excitement and wrung up the stuff. We went to a different store and started looking for accessories. We walked in a store that had purse and jewelry and slot just hanging up.

{1 hour later }

We arrived at home and sat down. IT was now 3:01 pm. We started looking through our bags and went up stairs, went to our rooms and put our stuff away..

•°•This chapter is kind of boring to be the beginning of the story•°•

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