Thats Great But...

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Aaliyah Pov::

When we was finish with dinner i went to take a bath and i don't kno wuh the othas did..I got out the tub and got dressed in my Hello Kitty Onesie High socks and Hello Kitty bedroom slippers. I walked downstairs and seen nobody and the lights was off so I thought they was in the room so I decide to go back up the stairs.. I heard somebody giggle behind me and I looked behind me but didn't see anyone so I continued to go up the stairs somebody tapped me and ran!!!  I ran to my room and locked my door becuub I was scared... Somebody started bangiin on my door so I started cryiin becuuh I didn't know who it was..They stopped and I tried to go to sleep but I didn't work! I sat up and rubbed my eyes and somebody bussed through my door and ran to my bed, got me and started running.  I was screaming to the top of my lungs cryiin... The lights came on and they was laughing... I looked around to see Blossom,Camery and Chris!!!  I got mad and punched all of them in they arm. They stopped laughing and looked at me.

Chris:  Y did u hit us?*Laughing*

Me: Becuuh u scared the living soul out of me

Blossom: We are sowwy are wittle baby*Baby voice*

Me:Now i got to sleep with 1 of yall tonite

Chris & Blossom: * Points to Camery* CAMERY!!! IT WAS HER PLAN

Camery: No it wasnt it was Blossom idea

Blossom: No it wasn't

Aaliyah:I dont care who it is but i juss want somebody

Camery: Okaii juss for todae but any otha time she sleeping with Yall*Points to Chris and Blossom*

*Nobody Pov*

They went upstairs to go to bed.Chris kept playiin around and he is getting Blossom mad and she is trying to go to sleep. He jumps on her, he pinches her, he Laughs for no reason, and he Make beats on the dressers.

::Blossom Pov::

Chris was getring on my damn nerves while i was trynna sleep. I got up and slapped him and left him there looking hurt. I looked up at him and I could tell he was mad and hurt at the same time. I got up and walked to him,  he stood there lookiin out of space..  I gave him a Peck on the lips and was boutta lay back down! He grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him.

Chris:  If u do that ever again,  you gon have to pay *Looks in her eyes*

Me: Well you shouldn't be doiin all of that wen u kno I gotta get my beauty sleep

Chris: Im sorry i juss wanna play and umm i kinda wanna ask u something but im scared*Looks away*

Me:Juss tell me baby*walks closer to him*


Me: WTF can u say that more slower!

Chris:*Looks away*

Aaliyah: Okaii he wants to know if we could live with him in Cali?*Happy Face*

Me:*Looks at chris* Thats great but- Gco

Chris: I kno u boutta be like what about Aaliyah school but when we get there we can register her for school up there.

Me: Ummm I say ...Um YES



Chris: Sorry baby*Lets go of her*

Can I Trust U??❔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora