Chapter 10 ~ Great Outdoors

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After Link and I had our friendship reunion moment, we decided that it was best to set up the tent now before it got dark and then we can get to the exciting activities he has planned.

"Do you just want to use my large tent (Y/N)? It's big enough for two people, in separate sleeping bags of course." Link hammered the last nail in place.

"Sure." I flashed a smile at him.

"Good. And we're done, this bad boy isn't going anywhere." He patted the tent and it came crashing down. No, I'm just kidding.

It did happen when Dark and I went camping along with my younger siblings, It came crashing down at least 3 times, so he gave up and just used magic to hold it in place.

"Oh link, you think can help me gather some fire wood? Then in a little, we can start up a fire and put your cooking skills to the test." I place my hands on my hips.

"Oh yeah, I can still make a mean soup too, just give me the ingredients and I'll make something out of it." He collects fire wood from nearby.

"Yeah... Shit." I laughed as I throw a chunk of wood near the tent.

"Excuse me?? I do not make shit. I make delicious food but not shit. Hmph, how dare you." Link dumped the rest of the wood onto the pile.

"Mmhmm, we'll see about that."

Then suddenly from the corner of my eye, I see something big leap from within the water.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"Whats wrong?" Link came over.

"Shh, there's something in the water." I point towards the lake.

He nodded and I walked towards it slowly.

"Ribbet." The frog croaked.

"Oh, it was just a frog, Hi little froggy." I kneeled down to get a closer look.

"Oh hey, look closer, there's something else in the water."

"Huh? I don't think I see anything, just- aUgh" I fell face first in the water.

"Ah hah hah." Link bent over laughing.

"Hah Hah real funny Link. Thanks for pushing me in here, You got me all soaked." I crossed my arms and sat up.

"Its fine, have some fun, I have a spare tunic you can wear for when you get out."

The frog next to me jumped on my head and croaked.

"Hey look, the frog is your new friend, he wants to hang out with you." I grabbed the frog from my head and held it in my hands.

"No, he wants to hang out with you!" I quickly threw it to Links face and surprisingly, he dodged it.

He made a face and blew raspberries at me.

"Haha! Ya missed me!!"

"Ughh! Come back here!" I grabbed his tunic and dragged him in the water with me. "Now we're even."

"Well, since we are in here, might as well go for a swim." He proceeds to take off his clothes, leaving only his underwear on.

"Come on (Y/N), take off your clothes, I promise, no funny business." He covers his eyes.

"Well ... Okay, I will kick you where the sun don't shine if you do anything funny. Oh, and I will get dark link on you."

"Okay, anything to make you feel better."

I start to take off my dress. "No peeking!!" I huffed.

"I'm not peeking, look I'll turn around." Link quickly turns around, his back facing me.

A Shadow can Love (Dark Link x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin