Chapter 11 ~ Cabin In the Woods

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The next morning, Link and I packed up our tents, ate our most important meal of the day, changed my bandages to clean ones, fed our horses and with that we ready to head back home... but not without a little bit of exploring of course.

Link mentioned to me last night about something strange he'd seen in the woods when he was tied up on the spiders web.

'There was a cabin in the woods in the distance- It looked abandoned but tomorrow morning we should just check it out.'

The first person that popped up on my mind was

I doubt that she would be living in a random cabin in the woods but it is close to Dark Links castle.

We arrived at the abandoned cabin and my was this cabin crusty. Cobwebs and mini skulltualas covering almost the entire 2 story house, the front door holding onto the hinges for dear life, parts of the wood structure randomly collapsing inside and outside of the house. One step Inside and this whole cabin might collapse on us.

We got off our horses and tied them on a sturdy tree branch and stepped up on the front door.

"Hello? Anyone Home?" Link shouted.

No answer.

We looked at each other and gave a head nod before entering the house.

The inside of the Cabin smelled like rotting wood with the side of dust particles flooding around us.

"Stay near me okay?" Link grabbed my hand.

"Alright." I coughed as I breathed in dust.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far just,  old vintage furniture, shattered picture frames, an old fireplace, ripped curtains, things you'd usually find at an abandoned house.

"Hey, I'm going to go upstairs and check it out out." I told link and I made my way upstairs.

"Alright, I'll check the kitchen and other rooms on this floor." Link's voice echoed through the walls.

There were only three rooms upstairs, a master bed room, a baby's room and a full bathroom. I went into the baby's room first.

The pale blue paint was almost gone from improper care. Blue specks chipped away and creates piles on the floor over time. The name "MASON" is stained on the wall with small dinosaurs painted around it. The crib was small and cute still with a large blue blanket folded inside.

I looked around for a picture of the baby but found a small wooden box on a white dresser. With small engraved gold letters it read;

"Mommy and Daddy loves you;
Sleep well My Baby Boy"

'Oh you poor thing...' I looked back to the crib and sighed.

"Hey (Y/N) ... I think I found something- Oh hey what's wrong?" Link held a key in his hand.

"Nothing... What's that in your hand?"

"Oh, It's a key! I found it buried in the fireplace, I found a hidden door in the kitchen but I didn't want to go down there alone. So, Let's go." Link gestured to come with me.

"Alright let's see what other mysteries this cabin has."

I followed him down to the kitchen and there it was. A newly white staircase traveling down to the basement. Whoever lives here, is just using the abandoned cabin as a misdirection.

We slowly went down the stairs and what we found was a fully functional bunker with a working bathroom. Everything was in pristine condition, not a speck of dust under here.  A small bed with a night stand was well made and placed in the corner of the room. There was even a collection of plants lined up against the wall, right underneath the wide window, each one of them has rich green leaves, not a single plant is dead.

A Shadow can Love (Dark Link x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu