Chapter 7 ~ Healing

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Here you my children! Chapter 7 awaits you!!
(For all you Hamilton fans out there.. ^^^)

Dark Links P.O.V.
"(Y/N)!! Stay with me!! (Y/N)!!" I cried out but it seems like she can't hear me. Her hand let go of my cheek and it dangled almost reaching the ground.

"No... (Y/N)!!" I cried.

We finally made it to the garden, and my two servants were sitting by the fountain waiting for us.

"Master! What happened to (Y/N)!" Eliza stood up running over to me.

"Angelica did this!" I growled.

"We have to get her inside stat!" Eliza said opening the doors.

"No... Its too late.." I look down at (Y/N) and she is staring at the sky, lifeless in my arms.

"No its not!" Peggy shouted, "Master, the fairy fountain!! The Fairies can bring her back!"

"Peggy! Your right!" My hopes were high as I brought (Y/N) and placed her in the middle of the fairy fountain.

(Y/N) instantly began to float above the water with a bright white light surrounding her. All the the fairies danced in a circular motion around her, healing her. Then there was a powerful wind that blew in the gardens and a beautiful voice that echoed.

"I am Farore, the Goddess of courage and I give (Y/N) life!"

(Y/N)s wound was all healed and her dress that was stained with blood was a back to (Favorite color).

"(Y/N) is going to live, but due to the amount of blood loss, she might not wake up right away but in a few days. Don't lose hope...." The voice said and she disappeared along with the bright light and powerful winds.
(Y/N) was placed on the ground, breathing, and filled with life. Her (Hair color) hair was back to normal and her (skin tone) skin too. She was just peacefully sleeping.

"Master, Lets take her to her room." Eliza said while opening the door.

I Silently, I picked up (Y/N) bridal style, carrying her to her room and placing her on her bed, tucking her in. I leaned in. kissing her temples wishing her a good night sleep and left the room. I wiped away my tears with my sleeve and made my way to my room so I can clean up.

"Master..." Angelica cried grabbing my arm.

"Leave me alone. You caused this!" I jerked back my arm, turning around to Look at her. "You made (Y/N) suffer! She didn't deserve this!!"

"I-Im.... Im sorry!" She apologized. "I-If you can find it in your heart to forgive me..."

"Sorry?! 'Sorry' isn't going to fix this!!"

"Please!...." Angelica sank to her knees. "Im begging you."

"... Just.. Just get out of my sight Angelica. She didn't deserve this. You did." I walked to my room and slammed the door shut. 'Please (Y/N).... Wake up soon...I don't know what I would do without you..' I thought as I cried in my dark empty room wondering when (Y/N) will wake up.

~~~Time Skip brought to you by Walgreens, at the corner of happy and healthy~~~

Dark Links P.O.V.

Its been three days since the Goddess Farore, brought her back to life and (Y/N) still hasn't woken up. She said that she will awaken in a few days but I am growing impatient. A few days could be a week or so... What if she doesn't wake up at all?! No. stop thinking like that Dark! Keep yourself together! I have been here next to (Y/N) all three days, never once left her side. I just want to see her (Eye color) beautiful eyes once again, and to hear her laughter, just once more.... And that smile... her beautiful smile just makes my day.

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