Chapter 3 ~ A New Home/ Breakfast with the Prince

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^^^ "Titanium" ~ David Guetta ft. Sia (Im pretty sure everyone has listened to this song. If not, listen to it. Its a good one!)


I wake up to the sound of someone unlocking my cell door. Looking up, I see Dark Link standing in front of me holding out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Come, follow me. I will lead you to your room." He held my hand as he lead me out of the dungeon and into the hallway.

Walking with Dark Link in the hallways I couldn't help but to notice the horrid decorations on his castle, although I kind of expected it, this is Dark Links castle the Prince of Darkness. There was armory on the walls covered with a red like substance... statues of weird creatures looking toward us... and a painting of a three headed dragon burning a village.

"Here is your room. If you need anything, My maids will attend you. You are welcome to explore my castle. Don't do anything stupid, Like escaping." We stopped at (Favorite color) doors with golden door knobs.

"O-Okay." I mumbled looking away. He noticed this and grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at him.

"Stop mumbling. I can't hear what your saying. And always look at me when I talk to you." He opened the door shoving me inside causing me to trip and fall. "Peasant." He closed the door walking away.

Whispering profanities under my breath, I got up and walked over to the bed sitting on it. 'Well... this room isn't bad. It's way better then before.' I thought. 'Ah, It even has my (favorite color) comforter and matching pillows.' I looked around the room admiring the dimly lit fireplace, the golden wardrobe with a matching dresser, a small sofa with a blanket on top and next to it a small bookcase. 'Cute.' I thought as I took off my flats throwing them onto the floor and crawled to the center of the bed staring at the ceiling. What am I supposed to do to kill time? I could roam around the castle but I could end up getting lost. I sat up quickly hearing a knock interrupting my thoughts.

"Leave me alone." I duly said.

"Its Eliza with my sisters Peggy and Angelica."

"Oh, come in." I brought my knees to my chest hugging them as they entered my room.

"This is my sister I was talking about yesterday." Eliza gestured to the tall, curly brunette haired girl also she wore a pink maids dress. She looked like she was 24. She also had a resting bitch face plasterd on her face.

"Hi, Im Angelica how are you?"


"Master would like you to join him for breakfast today." Peggy said smiling.

"No. Im not going to eat with a monster."

"Ha. That wasn't a request sweetie. You have to go with him. God knows what he would do if you don't join him." Angelica walked over to the wardrobe, opening it pulling out a long simple pink dress.

"No. Im not going and thats final."

"Oh.. Well lets go Peggy, Angelica." Eliza said leaving my room. Angelica put back the dress in the wardrobe and left along with her sisters. A few moments later, Dark Link banged on my door yelling.

"(Your name)! Join me for dinner!"

"No. Im not eating with a monster like you." I spat.

There was whispering and a pause before Dark Link softly said.

"It would be a great pleasure If you would join me for breakfast this morning.... Please."

I thought about it for a moment. 'Well.. he did say the magic word. And my stomach is growling with hunger...' I quickly slipped back into my flats and opened the door.

"Fine. Lead the way prince."

Dark Link smirked as he grabbed my wrist tightly making out way to the dining room. I couldn't believe what I saw. A long table filled with food filling the room with the sweet scent of Pancakes, eggs, bacon, (Favorite Breakfast) you can think of. The room was brightly lit from the long wide windows all around us. I gasped as I looked up into the ceiling as I saw A huge diamond chandelier shining brightly. Dark Link pulled out a chair and I sat down on it.

"Enjoy...Princess~" He whispered in my ear as he pushed my chair closer to the table. I dove in stuffing my face the pancakes first. He stared at me while he ate his breakfast and chuckled. Ignored him siping my coffee but I spit it back in the cup.

"Ah. Itfs hoth. hotf." I said sticking out my tongue. Dark couldn't help but to laugh.

"Calm down, your going to choke on your food."

I blushed,embarrassed of my actions, and I continued to eat my breakfast slowly.

"You know, This is some good food. Its even better than what I make at home." I spoke up.

"You cook?" He asked.

"Duh. What? Are you saying that women cant cook?" I said waving a strip of bacon in the air after I took a bite out of it.

"Hey. Don't get smart with me."

"Yeah, Yeah whatever." I ate the rest of my bacon. "Inviting me to breakfast is probably the best thing anyone as ever did for me..."

"Oh yeah? A pretty girl like yourself would probably have many friends and boyfriends." He blushed at his choice of words cursing at himself.

I blushed deeply. "I... I don't have any friends. Well I had one friend when I was younger. His name was L-"

"Link. Yeah, yeah everyone is his friend." He cut me off.

"His name was Link." I continued. "We were so close when we were younger and we did everything together but as the years passed he saw me less and less because he found out that he is the 'Hero of Time' and his duty was to slay monsters and such. Then he stopped seeing me completely. One day I went to his house to visit him but I found him pretty busy hanging out with Princess Zelda. Then I realized that the reason why he stopped hanging out with me was to hang out with her and be with her all the time. Im pretty sure he completely forgot about me... He probably doesn't care about me anymore. I haven't made any new friends ever since. But I had my younger sister and brother to keep my company."

"Your crying.." Dark Link had a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Huh?" I touched my wet cheek. "Oh I am.." I quickly wiped away my tears. "Anyways... Thank you for the delicious breakfast. I appreciate it." I got up quickly making my way out of the dining room and into to my room.


Dark Links P.O.V.

Sighing, I slumped in my chair. Link never learns. Even I know better... but I understand how she feels. Growing up I didn't have any friends either. Everyone looked up to my brother link forgetting that I ever existed. So I rebelled against everyone, killing anyone and everything to get attention... but Honestly, All I ever wanted was to be noticed... to be someones friend... someone who can be proud of me... someone who loves me...
Sure I have my maids who I could love but I like how there is space between us. (Your Name).... Shes something special. I really do want to get to know her. But at the end of the day I know she will never love me because Im a monster.

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