Chapter 5 ~ The Garden

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   "Floral and Fading" ~ Pierce the Veil (This song is honestly, hands down, Is one of the best songs out there. Pierce the veil is one of my Favorite bands :3 Gotta love them)

(Your name's) P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of Dark Link snoring softly. I sat up quietly trying not to wake him up but he had his arms around my stomach holding me down. I kept struggling as  I tried to get out of his grasp but I stopped as I heard a slight chuckle escape from his lips. I giggled and said,

"Dark... Let me goo."

"Noo." He held my waist tightly.

"Dark, Im going to pee on you if you don't let me go." I warned him.

"Ew Ew Okay, okay. You win." He let go of his grasp.

I walked over to my wardrobe pulling out a long spaghetti strap (Favorite color) dress with matching (Favorite color) flats.

"Wait.. I thought you were going to use the bathroom." He said while stretching as he walked over to me.

"Nah. I only said that because I knew that you would let go." I placed the dress on my bed.

"Ah. You tricked me. Very funny... I wanted to stay like that all day.." He muttered the last part as he blushed.

"Hmm..? What was that..?" I looked at him.

"Nothing..." He looked away.

I started to take off my clothes but I stopped, I forgot that dark link is with me.

"Um... Do you mind..?"

"Nah. Why dont you let me help you~" He said seductively making me blush, sending shivers down my spine.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. Calm down Dark." I giggled.

"Heh.. Alright. I'll be Im my office if you need me." He took his hat and made his way out of my room and moments later, the three sisters came rushing in my room.

"Are you alright?!" Peggy said.

"Oh my god... Tell us everything what happened!"

"Did he try to seduce you?!" Angelica said surprisingly, for once.

"Girls! Calm down. I am alright. He was just flirting with me alright..?" I turned around taking off my old dress and quickly putting on the new one.

They all sighed in relief.

"Why are you three so alarmed?" I questioned. "And were you three spying on us?!"

"Well...." Peggy started.

"Yes.. we were spying on you.. But it was only for your safety." Eliza continued. "You see... I wouldn't be too trusting of Dark Link."

"I already know Eliza... I know how cruel and rude he can be... But I know there is something good deep within him.." I slip on my flats.

"Pfft. More like something bad.." Angelica crossed her arms.

"What are you talking about?" I turned to look at them.

"What we are trying to say is that..." Eliza fidgeted with her hands. "Dark Link has a short temper and if he doesn't get what he wants, he will try and force it out of you..."

"Like when he flirted with you.. saying 'Nah. Why dont you let me help you~.' As in helping you take your clothes off... As In having..." Peggy said.

"Look. I know Dark Link. He isn't like that-"

"Do you really know, (Your name)..?" Angelica raised her voice. "You are just a phase you know. Dark Link will get over you and kill you just like those other girls he kept as a prisoner. Those girls thought the same as you. 'Oh he wouldn't do that... Im special!' We warned them and they wouldn't listen. Now they are dead and we tried everything we could! "

"Angelica!" Eliza stomped her foot. "That would be enough. Go make dinner for our master, he is counting on you." He pointed to the door and Angelica huffed as she quickly left the room with Peggy following. Eliza sighed.

"Do you really think I am just a phase, Eliza..?"

"I.... Honestly... I don't even know anymore." Eliza sits on my bed. "But what I do know is that Dark Link seems very different ever since you came here."

I begin to brush my hair down.

"Its a good different.." she goes on.


"Yeah. He smiles more and he blushes and when giving orders he doesn't seem grumpy but content... He wasn't like that with those other girls."

"Oh... Well, I'll be careful.." I looked at Eliza.

"Alright. Well, I have to go clean the ballroom, Its been ages since we've been there.. Hmm, I wonder why... Anyways. I'll see you later!" Eliza left the room.

  After Eliza left, I sat there wondering if I really was a 'Phase' as Angelica called it. I assumed that dark would be dark and moody, Well he was the first few months but he seems more calmer and more content... The only way to find out is to ask him myself. My thoughts were interrupted by knocks at my door.

"Yes? Who is it?" I shouted.

"Its Angelica."

"Oh, come in." She opened the door and leaned against it.

"Master told me that he wants to meet you in the gardens... right away. He has something to show you." I stand up walking to her.

"Is Dark link already there?"

"No.. but he says that he will meet you there."

"Oh okay."

"Come on, I'll show you the way." Angelica walked in front of me as I closed my room door and followed her. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something."

"And what is that..?"  I caught up to her.

"I just wanted to say that Im sorry for earlier. For yelling at you and saying those things.. I shouldn't have said that."

"Its alright Angelica. You were just trying to warn me, thats all. I accept your apology." I gave her a warm smile and she smiled back.

"Alrighty. Here we are." She whipped her curly brown hair to the side and turned to the right opening the see through doors and what was behind it... Was truly beautiful and amazing.

I stepped in looking around in awe. There are beautiful, rare and exotic flowers and plants everywhere. This garden is huge! The outside of Dark lInks castle is a complete wasteland, how did he grew all of these plants out here on a complete wasteland..? There was little cute creatures hopping around and birds tweeting and chirping. It was entering into a new world. And to top it all off there is a water fountain in the middle and bright red fairies dancing in the middle. But there was no Dark Link to be found. I turned around looking at Angelica.

"Angelica, Where is Dark Link? I don't see him here."

"Oh, He said that he will meet you all the way in the back, past the garden and into the woods. He wanted to show you something."

"Oh.. Alright. I'll see you later Angelica."I said as I walked away. I thought I heard Angelica say something but I just shrugged it off and made my way to the back of the garden, into the woods, unaware of the dangerous monsters that lurk there.


Angelica's P.O.V.

"Angelica, Where is Dark Link? I don't see him here."

"Oh, He said that he will meet you all the way in the back, past the garden and into the woods. He wanted to show you something."

"Oh.. Alright. I'll see you later Angelica." She walked away and I turned around heading inside the castle.

"Sure... In hell." I smirked closing the doors behind me.


Sooo... Did you guys get the title of the song?? "Floral and Fading"?? Your in a garden surrounded by flowers and you are going into the forest?? You are fading away..??? Get it?? "Floral and Fading??"

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