|| Chapter One ||

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Hey guys, just a heads up! I obviously don't own the Voltron series; this is a fanfic! Also, feel free to correct me if I have made any mistakes, I honestly encourage it!


Lance's P.O.V

26th of July, 2:08 am, Lance's Bedroom

I hate winter. Absolutely hate it. It's cold, and the days are shorter, and it's just boring! Especially on the farm. I'm lying in bed right now; it's like two in the morning, but it's too cold to sleep... I miss warmth. Cuba is usually really warm, even during winter, but over the past years winter seems to be getting losing that warmth I'm missing. But I guess this is the life I chose...

I miss the scent of the juniberries; in spring they're spread across the fields, thousands of magenta buds peaking from the earth. But in winter, it only smells cold outside. Is that even a thing though? I mean there's also the aroma of burning wood, smoky even. But most of the time it's just cold. I wish spring would hurry up, the old gang's planning to catch up to celebrate the awakening of the juniberries like we do every year, in honour of Allura.

Jeez I miss her, those gorgeous eyes, her smile... It's still hard to believe it's been seven years since she gave her life for us. I hate that I remember it like yesterday. But I see her in my dreams, though admittedly it's been less frequent as I would have liked. It hurts, sometimes I'll wake up thinking she's still alive, but after maybe five to ten seconds, it all registers, and a lot of the time I just want to fall back asleep. It's surprisingly easy, putting up a front for everyone, saying I'm fine. I guess I'm still in the grieving stage, after all this time...

It's more painful, knowing that everyone else is progressing in life, and how everyone's moved on from that stage in our lives; including Coran. I see him the most, helping him bring back the Altea he once knew forever ago. If only Allura could see it; I never knew Altea was so beautiful. But even he, who knew Allura from the very beginning, is able to move on. So why can't I?

Coran's in Altea, Pidge is helping develop advanced tech at the Garrison, Hunk's travelling the universe with his team of chefs, Shiro's married, and Keith...

I haven't seen him in five years. I get he's busy, but he couldn't even make time for Allura's anniversary. He came to the first and second, but none of us have seen him since. Well, Shiro has, but only a couple of times, out there. In space.

I honestly miss my time there; fighting the Galra Empire, exploring new worlds, meeting girls... Allura. Dammit.

Everyone else though has been able to make it to every dinner we've had since the first, no matter what. So why does Keith refuse to come anymore? He couldn't have moved on that quickly! I mean I know the two of them didn't always get along, but we were still all friends... why does he still insist on being a lone wolf?

After maybe three or four years I gave up trying to stay in contact with him; he never bothered replying. It breaks my heart, out of all the paladins I thought I would've gotten closest to him. I mean the two of us had been through a lot together - once rivals, then friends, but now... what are we? I roll over onto my stomach, trying to get comfortable, but then... I still have that picture of us. Our first, and only date. I've kept it there on my nightstand for all seven years, only moving it to clear the dust its gathering. Sometimes I'm tempted to smash the frame and glass, and rip that picture up. But I'll only regret it. A lot of the time I'll want to move it out of sight, but I don't have the courage to face the guilt I'll feel if I do.

I miss Blue. And Red too. The lions left forever ago, to who knows where, but every once in a while I'll try to communicate to either of them, hoping that they'll show up. They never do. Just like how Allura never will.

I sound pathetic. I've spent so much time trying to get over her, but nothing works. I just want to be me again. I want to be that teenager who could joke around, flirt with girls, see what the universe had to offer. I want to be young again. Not this sad excuse of a man, especially one who used to be a Paladin of Voltron! But maybe...

Maybe there's a reason I got left behind; why I'm stuck where I am. I just which I knew what the reason was...


Sup nerds! xxx

So this was the first chapter! Sorry, I know it's really boring  and it's only an internal monologue and nothing much, plus it was only a small chapter, but I'm planning on also doing one for Keith (that's next chapter most likely) and then I'll get really into it. Also I really want to try and use as many facts from the actual series itself, so if I get anything wrong please tell me!

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