Chapter 11 - Running

Start from the beginning

A giggle from Gisli as she quickly ushered the pups out of the room and followed them downstairs startled me back.

“Why are you using my bathroom?” I snapped, moving back until there was a safe distance between us.

Ebbe nodded to the pile of blankets at my feet that kept his scent. Every inhale was tainted with the smell of him, my nostrils flaring to drink in more before my eyes narrowed.
Watch it, Raeghan. 

“Your mother didn’t think you’d come back last night so she said I could sleep up here.”

Did she now.

“I didn’t do it to get a rise out of you if that’s what you’re thinking.” The smirk on his face made me bristle and I tilted my chin up.

“It’s fine. Excuse me, I need to shower too.”

He nodded and motioned for me to pass him but he was still standing in the doorway. Smirk still in place, I could read the challenge in his gaze. Hoping he didn’t hear the shake in my exhale, I walked over and slipped past him. My arm brushed across his chest, wet skin causing goosebumps to pebble. He caught my arm before I was all the way through and I gasped, glaring up at him.

Why was he always grabbing me?

“What now?”

“I just wanted to say, that you looked beautiful last night,” he murmured.

“I. . .thank you,” I breathed, a real smile stretching my lips. Proof I was right, he’d been hovering around the pub last night.

Releasing my arm, he lifted his hand to brush the back of his fingers over my cheek. I stood frozen to the spot, unable to look away from sky blue eyes that glittered in the sunlight.


“Why?” he asked, his expression serious again.

Giving myself a shake, I pushed his hand away from me. “You can’t just touch me like that. I don’t know you.”

He chuckled; a husky sound that drew me closer until annoyance strengthened my resolve. I stepped back, hand on the door in preparation to shut it.

“Okay.” Ebbe raised his hands in surrender, backing up and turning away before unwrapping the towel from his waist. This male always stripping in front of me.

I slammed the door shut before I could dare to take more than just a look. And the damn male had the audacity to laugh. I turned on the shower to drown out the sound of him. Opening the small window to let some of the steam out, I then quickly stripped and stared at myself in the mirror.

“Better enjoy this shower,” I muttered to myself. “Who knows if I'll have access to so much as a bath after I leave.”

Stepping into the tub, I spent ages just tilting my face up into the warm spray. Makeup still stuck to my skin and eyelashes and I couldn’t wait to scrub it off. Just as I was about to grab my face cloth, I could hear singing coming from my room. I held my breath to hear better, caught in the lyrics despite being unable to understand them. Who knew Ebbe could sing, and well too?

“For fucks sake, you hate him. Stop. More grumbled words to myself, quiet enough not to be heard. Ebbe was playing with me and currently, he seemed to be winning. I couldn’t allow that.

The click of the bedroom door shutting signalled he’d left and I refocused on washing quickly so I wouldn’t be late for tea. Hungry or not, Mum and Dad would expect me at the table. I threw my hair into a bun once I was out, ignoring the passing thought to chop it all off but it would upset Mum if I did that.

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