chris's backstory

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Third person POV:

Chris McLean was not your average Canadian. He didn't bother with the sugar-coated words or the kindness to strangers. The only thing he cared about was money even when he emerged from the womb. The doctor and nurses who delivered him said that the baby hair on his head was in the shape of an American dollar.

When he was 4, he made his own lemonade stand. Upon realizing he wasn't making as much bank as he thought he would, toddler Chris started scamming and gas lighting the kind old ladies who stopped by for more money.

By 8, he was a capitalistic monster who ran the second grade. He ran a bracelet company and even paid for "body guards". He used his salesman charm on the ladies to make them buy the bracelets.

Chris hit a wall by the time he was 18, though. He questioned why he wanted all this money, but he realized that it was caused by his greed and didn't feel the need to fix that. He also discovered that he wasn't the straightest person ever. But who could be with his unnecessary obsession with Steve Jobs. He thought it was because of his success and money, but that iconic black turtleneck always did something to him.

By 25, he crossed the Canadian border and headed to where money-making dreams came true...HOLLYWOOD. He was always creative, so he thought the best way to make lots of money in no time was to pitch tv show ideas to corporate executives.

He tried for years to have his ideas heard until one spring morning, he was seated in a meeting room with fellow 30 year old business men and women who looked really intimidating. He pitched the idea of putting a bunch of Canadian teens on an island and competing in challenges. They would vote each other off depending on their performance in the challenges. The last one standing would win ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS. Which is hopefully what Chris envisions his yearly salary to be with the success of this show. He also added that the sheer drama that would take place between the teens would be more than enough entertainment for the audience watching.

With the scary business men and women staring intently at Chris, he began to feel not so confident in his idea and was already going back to the drawing board in his mind. The business individuals in the meeting all give each other looks before saying," have yourself a show!".

It was May of the same year, Chris was preparing for being the host of, hopefully, his new hit show. But something felt off. He felt like there was going to be a presence missing from the show...a sadistic presence....

He ignored the feeling until he realized he needed a chef to make food for the teens (who he was going to call campers). He went of a website of chefs to hire and came across one who was simply named Chef.

His job description stated that he liked making food that shocked and disgusted people. Chris almost scrolled past his profile until he realized this would add an amazing "WOW!" factor to his show. He wanted views to make more money, so he wanted to make the show interesting No. Matter. What.

With that, he hired this mystery man names Chef who didn't have a profile picture.

On June 1st, the day before the campers arrived to island, Chris was sitting and waiting for the rest of the crew and the chef to arrive. He was tapping his fingers impatiently on the folding movie star chair you usually see on movie sets. He was sassily snapping at the interns for not getting his coffee fast enough. He was a nervous wreck.

To make it worse, he sees a boat speeding toward the island quite a distance away. He assumes that the chef is on the boat. He makes his way to the disgusting outhouse set up on the island. "Gross", Chris says as he empties his bladder.

He pushed the door open with a creak and is greeted by a tall, intimidating figure in chef's clothes holding a spatula......

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