"You should really try it Ethan, you never know what can happen" Kate smiled

"Maybe... I don't know.. Just, maybe" He said

The sound of a small bell going off by the door, alerted Kate that a new customer had arrived to the diner. The brunette glanced up to see a guy wearing a hoodie over his head but a black hat underneath, his hands were shoved into his pockets as he held his head down and walked over to an empty booth in front of the bar where the three teenagers were standing

"I swear if we get robbed right now" Jamie said

"I'll make and scene and y'all make a run for it. Someone has to be the sacrifice" Ethan snickered

"Oh hush, for all we know.. It's just another customer" Kate said

"Oh so you're brave brave. Well go ahead and serve your customer, KATE WILSON OF 168 MAHAICA AVENUE" Jamie yelled loudly, causing the man to glance in their direction


"Killed by who? A normal looking customer?" Jamie laughed

"Oh for heaven sakes" Kate rolled her eyes

"Psst" a sound echoed through the diner, Kate glanced in the direction to see the hoodie man trying to catch her attention

"I'll be right with you sir" Kate said before turning to her friends

"If I die, tell my story" Kate whispered as she grabbed her notepad

"Yeah. It'll be all over the news, Sex restricted teenager murdered by hoodie man before her month deal ended" Ethan smirked as he watched the brunette walk over to the table

Kate spun on her heels and gave the boy a glare before flicking him off. Ethan simply smiled and pretended to catch the middle finger then shoving it down his pants, earning a smack behind the head from Jamie and a gag from Kate

"Sorry sir, what will you be ordering today?" Kate smiled sweetly as she stood in front of the man

"How about you sit your pretty self in that chair over there so we can have a conversation" The person said in a deep voice, Kate furrowed her brows

"Excuse me, what?" Kate asked

"You heard me. Sit. Now" the man hissed, Kate could feel her heart starting to pound harder in her chest


"Oh jeez girl, it's just me. Sit you stubborn ass" The person as they glanced up with those icy blue eyes

"What th- AUTUMN!?" Kate hissed

"In the flesh" The actress smirked as she motioned for Kate to sit in the chair across from her

The brunette furrowed her brows as she slowly walked over to the booth, sliding into the red soft seat

"You scared me" She said

"I'd like to do something else to you but apparently I'm not allowed" Autumn mumbled in a low voice

"Huh?" Kate asked

"Nothing, don't worry about it" the actress quickly covered up

"What are you doing here, and why are you dressed like someone who just murdered a waitress in the woods?" Kate asked

"That's... Oddly specific, is everything okay at home?" Autumn chuckled

"Well I live with an annoying ass roommate who refused to change the temperature and the fact that she hates me" Kate glared

Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora