In the beginning

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Author's Note- I am going to do this in Serena's POV unless I tell you.
Sorry this chapter is a little short. I wanted to get a chapter out as quick as I could. And felt the end was a good stopping point. XD

Disclaimer- I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or places. I only own my characters Serena Snape and Ariana Riddle.


Today was like any other day, but for some reason it felt off. My father had just arrived home this morning. He had been at Hogwarts teaching, while I was off at a muggle boarding school. I knew what we were. But ever since my mother died, my father had been wary to send me to school there or involve me in any wizardly activity.

He came home at noon, but soon left saying he needed go pick something up. We lived a little ways out into the countryside but close enough you could get to town in about 30 minutes. Last night, I had just finished unpacking my school supplies and uniform. At school, it was a constant need to excel. But I never had the problem and struggling with grades like some people did.

At school, I had next to no friends. The friends I had were nice but not close. Some people were polite but mostly others were one of the three.

One. They were two faced and talked about you behind your back.
Two. They spread rumors about you to everyone.
Three. They were constantly in a state of picking on the smaller people.

Luckily, the teachers liked me and defended me when I got picked on.

Finally regaining my thoughts of the past, I put the last shirt away and go downstairs to see if we have anything left I can fix for dinner. Walking down the stairs of our medium-sized two story house, I hear father walk through the front door with a rain soaked letter. I must have not heard it start to rain outside.

"Hi Father." I say as I walk into the kitchen and sit down.

He looks up and smiles at me while opening the mysterious letter.

"I forgot to ask earlier but how was the school year?"

"It was same as always, but altogether fine." He reads over the letter and sighs.

"What is it?"

"Just death eater duties. They are trying to bring 'he who shall not be named' back to life and need my help."

"Does that mean you have to leave again?"

"Yes but in a month or two, you will be starting fifth year at Hogwarts. "

I am shocked that I finally get to go. I have my own wand and he lets me practice spells and potions at home, but I never thought he would actually let me go.

"I have decided to let you attend. I know you are a fast learner and that muggle school subjects bore you. You will catch on quickly."

I jump up from my chair and hug him tightly.

"Thank you so much! When will we go get my robes and owl?"

He laugh lightly and says

"Soon Serena. But we will wait until late August."


It was late August and school started on September 1st. Father had just taken me to get my robes. I had to go get my books alone since he had business with someone named Lucius Malfoy. As I walked into the store, the most wonderful sight greeted me. Books lined the walls and were stacked in piles. But sadly I didn't have enough time to stay here forever, so I quickly started looking for the books on my list.

After looking forever, I had found all my books but one. The last one I needed was Defense Magical Theory by Wilbert Sinkhard. As I was looking through a pile of books, someone taps me on the shoulder.

"What book are you looking for?"

The stranger asks.

"Defense Magical Theory."

"That one should be right over here."

He leads me to a pile hidden behind several other piles of books. His yellow and black robes fly around him as he walks. Getting to the pile, he reaches over the other stacks and pulls out the book I need.

"Thank you so much." I look up at him and smile.

"No problem. What's your name?"


He smiles and holds out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Serena."

He starts to walk away.

"Hey wait, I never got your name.

Turning around, he smiles at me and says.


Then walks out the door. The last thing I see is his yellow scarf, as the door shuts behind him.

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