Luna looked at me with concern in her eyes, she didn't need to say anything for me to know she was there for me. She placed her hand on mine, gave it a light squeeze and smiled at me before returning her stare to the front of the class.

The whole class felt surreal, like I wasn't even in the room but watching myself from afar, like an outer body experience. I couldn't concentrate on anything until my eyes peaked over at a senior prefect entering the classroom swiftly, making his way over to Snape and chatting for a quick 2 minutes. I watched them talk as did the rest of the class.

They both stopped speaking and glanced over my way before walking up and taking me out of the class.

I followed the prefect as she lead the way to McGonagall's office with her slick black hair in a tight ponytail, swaying back and forth behind her. She had said the professor had something important she needed to discuss with me.

It was clear when I arrived that this was a serious and heavy message. She broke the news to me softly, the news being my dad had died just 2 hours ago.

I never really thought I'd be this upset by the news, and before you think I'm some heartless bitch, me and my father had a complicated relationship. He was very manipulative and borderline psychopath.

My mum noticed his behaviour change when I was born, he never wanted kids and he made that abundantly clear. He never physically abused me but his words stung a lot, especially knowing he actually meant them.

Apparently to my mum he was her dream guy before I came along, they were completely, mind numblingly in love with each other and her love for him only grew when he helped bring me into the world, while his on the other hand started to fall and crumble.

She never wanted to admit it but he was no longer the man she fell in love with all those years ago and she left him for both our sakes when I was 10.

He still doesn't know I'm a wizard, or anything about me now really and I only get the occasional birthday card, if he remembers or a letter asking for the money he spent on me as a child because he 'shouldn't have to pay for something he doesn't want'.

I reckon the only times he actually appreciated me was when he had the chance to teach me of his ancestry. We would fly to South of France and live on his family farm, and we felt like a unit again, like we loved eachother. He taught me how to speak their language, and appreciate the architecture and I loved it, I would spend all my time there if I could. They are some of my most cherished memories.

I was allowed the rest of the day off school so I changed into the comfiest clothes I own and sat in on my bed trying to think of any happy memories with my dad that weren't set in France, all my mind could conjure up was this one time when I was 6 and for the first time ever he had turned up to my school sports day. That day I ran as fast as my little legs could take me and I won the race and for a split second it seemed that he was actually proud of me. He looked at me and nodded his head as if to say 'good going kid' and with that gesture I felt as though I was loved.

A wave of sadness washed over me when I thought of the memory, he was my dad after all, plus it made me think of all the moments kids have with their fathers that I missed out on. Like going to get my first ear piercing knowing he doesn't want me too, or buying my first prom dress, or even getting annoyed at me for always talking on the phone.

My mum tried her best to be both a mother and a father but sometimes it just wasn't the same.

I curled up hugging my pillow for what felt like hours, I hadn't even noticed I'd missed lunch. I began to sit up and grabbed my wand to practise some spells.

Ever since I found out I was a wizard I found a certain comfort in magic, finding new spells, pushing it's boundaries, experiencing everything it has to offer. It truly is the best  thing in the world and I wish we could share this gift to the rest of humanity.

Last year I read something from the restricted section in the school library and it said there was a spell that could reverse the memory curse, one that would make you remember the memories that were stolen from you, and ever since I read that I've tried to find the spell.

I have yet to find the command word, let alone how to say it or the wand movements, and considering how specific you have to do everything for the actual memory curse I can guess you need to cast the spell perfectly in order for it to take effect.

So for the entire summer I have been practising this reverse curse, trying to figure it out. However it really doesn't help that most people think it doesn't exist and the ones that do don't know where to find any information on it. It truly is a mystery spell that I intend on finding everything about.

I sat there waving my wand and chanting many possible words that could lead to the correct spell, every source I had investigated told me something different about the spell, that it's the opposite motion of the curse, that you had to say 'obliviate' backwards which would be impossible despite my numerous attempts. I even read that it was a potion instead of a spell which I have my doubts about but I'm willing to explore every option.

I did this for god knows how long, practicing varies possible motions of the wand. In the end I found myself singing the song my dad use to sing when he drove along the French farm tracks. I noticed a light knock at the door and a veiny hand covered in rings creep around the door frame.


Word Count - 1805

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