Closer Than Friends

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Stormchaser padded through the forest and sniffed the air. However she couldn't find Thunderheart. She knew that Darkflight wouldn't approve but right now she didn't care.

"Thunderheart! Thunderheart!"

She didn't hear an answer but sighed heavily and continued forward. She padded to the edge of the forest and looked over on the sea. She let out a breath and blasted plasma into the sky. It burst into the air and she smiled broadly. Perhaps that would get his attention.

"You sure do have different ways of getting my attention," pointed out a deep voice as a Night Fury landed beside Stormchaser.

Strormchaser turned around and gazed at Thunderheart. "Thunderheart," she gasped as she darted forward and touched her nose to his. "I thought you wouldn't come."

"I told you I wanted to see you soon. I wasn't sure that it was going to be this soon but that doesn't matter," he chuckled as he flicked his tail in enjoyment. "So what do you need?"

"I was just wandering if you wanted to fly a little," she offered sheepishly.

Thunderheart smiled. "I'd love to be there is something wrong?" The concern in his eyes glittered. "You can tell me anything."

Stormchaser looked at her paws. "Darkflight wants me to move somewhere else to be safer. I'm not sure I like that idea but if I have to move somewhere then I'd like to be with a friend."

Thunderheart smiled warmly and nudged her shoulder. "Sure I'd love to go exploring with you," he laughed as he reared on his hind legs and readied for flight. "Ready?"

Stormchaser nodded and lifted into the air. She then leaped and spread her wings and took off. Thunderheart went after her and yowled in enjoyment. She whirled around Thunderheart a bit and tickled his underbelly with her tail. He rumbled and brushed a paw along her back and she bucked a back.

"So what place are you looking for," inquired Thunderheart as he looked over to Stormchaser and decided to let her lead.

"It doesn't really matter," Stormchaser answered as she drew farther and farther from the Berk Forest, not wanting to see it again. However she knew that she'd have to return to see her brother again. "As long as it's safe or at least safer."

"Then try following me," offered Thunderheart as he pushed forward and brushed a wing over her back. "I think I have just the place."

Stormchaser smiled and followed Thunderheart. After seemed like flying for a while Thunderheart finally settled at what seemed like a small island. He landed and shook some of the condensation from his wings and stretched out. Stormchaser landed beside him and looked around. "This is a beautiful place."

She saw forests and the smell of forest prey made her mouth water. She had only eaten fish but she would be open to eating any prey. She took a step steps forward and felt that the earth was soft underpaw. Thunderheart chuckled in amusement and padded to her side. "Thanks. I was born here."

"Then why did you move to the forest of Berk," inquired Stormchaser as she looked up to Thunderheart.

Thunderheart shrugged. "I don't know. After my parents died I thought that the forests of Berks were the place for me."

"Was it," pressed Stormchaser as she pressed against Thunderheart a bit.

"You were there so I'd say it was worth it," he breathed before he pushed forward and led her into a den. He pushed his way in and when Stormchaser padded in she realized it was a lot like her den. She saw moss in the corner and wondered if dragons still live here or if it was an old den.

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