When the Chips are Down...

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Loki's p.o.v.

I elected that I would get help for Brian but that I had to pursue whoever had dared to capture Astrid. I was trying my best to articulate... What was the best way to put the idea forward? I opened my mouth to speak but he started talking instead so I merely closed it again and waited.

"Go on without me. I know it's what you have to do. I reckon either the police or S.H.I.E.L.D. have found Norman by now, it's probably the only way he was going to survive. He was in serious need of help." He proposed pausing for a moment.

"So do you, my magic did not heal you completely. But I do not think you will die - unless you attempt to follow me further."

He sat down on the grassy verge with a sigh. Lola immediately sat next to him and licked his hand.

"That's a nice way of saying i'll slow you down... Though I will, it's true." He responded sounding wistful.

"I apologise."

"It's okay; you saved my life. I'm sure the police will want a story, if S.H.I.E.L.D. don't reach me first. I'm not sure what would be worse..."

I felt frustrated; that was not at all what I had meant by offering my apology. I acknowledged why he had reason to hate me - his son had died at least in part due to me. I felt that as he had helped us despite this he at least deserved something in return and I had already restored him back to life as far as possible so an apology was all I had and was a rare token from me.

"I meant I am sorry about what happened to your son. I am sorry for the part I played in bringing about his death if that is indeed what happened on that day." It felt wrong to say but I knew Astrid would have been slightly impressed... At least I hoped so.

He looked pensive, hesitating to analyse my words. He most likely did not believe my sentiments of condolence and regret.

"Do you mean that?"

"Indeed I do." I nodded automatically but for once not because it was the hasty confirmation of a falsehood but instead because I had uttered those words in earnest.

He looked speculative for a short while longer before answering reluctantly.

"I accept your apology"

"For which I am most gracious. The last thing I can do for you is attract help." I muttered before casting a spell, sending up a beam of green light as if were a beacon into the glittering night sky.

Then I said my brief goodbyes with both Brian and Lola before trudging on in to the darkness. The grass waving about my knees in the sudden breeze which was developing. Luckily I did not feel the cold despite my lack of warm clothing as I imagined Astrid still had my coat. I was not sure why I had decided that Astrid was somewhere in the direction I was headed but I suspected it had something to do with our connection. I could feel her pain and fear and it spurred me on. After what must have been no less than an hour, I had come to the edge of the forest. I wasted no time continuing on my path only stopping briefly when I encountered some obstacle too large to continue straight, like the small lake I came across. It would have taken me another hour or so at least to skirt around it edge and I did not have that sort of time. I decided I would try to freeze it. It was far easier than I would have imagined, especially as I had not used my Jotun powers in a very long time...

Once I had begun with the area where I was standing I stepped forwards onto the fresh ice and simply continued to walk. Now I had started the process it took little effort to finish. The ice spread making cracking noises all around the basin of the lake as the water solidified. Upon reaching the other side I wasted no time in continuing to walk the land. I had decided by now that whoever got in my way and whoever was causing Astrid pain would severely regret their decisions to do so. I noticed that the ice had not stopped at the lake and had flowed me freezing the forest too. I continued never the less and did not even care that it would no doubt attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the Run (An Avengers Fanfiction) ✔️Completed (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now