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"Y/n!", Your mom stares at you in rage.

"M-mom, I can explain!!!"

"No talking back! Go to your room NOW! Your never allowes to see this man ever again!"

Even though her words were monstrous, you were relieved. Atleast you would neVer have to see this creep ever again!

"No miss- you don't understand..." Pennywise's eyes flash with menace.

"I'll have you know Sir-" Your mom is interrupted by Pennywise's stare.

Something about his eyes, made her frozen still. As if she was stuck in time.

"Mom?! What did you do?!" You demand Pennywise to tell you.

"Oh nothing~" He says while pulling a long white glove onto his arm.

"But don't worry, she'll be fine. All that will be affected is her memory of this whole situation..."

"Who are you..?" You ask, scared.

"Pennywise. Pennywise the dancing clown 😌"

Hello y'all, I know I haven't posted or done anything in like 2 YEARSSS but I decided to post this draft I had from when I wrote this book. Would anyone be interested in more or do y'all think this would be better as a simple and short story that ends here? Lemme know :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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Clown Or Drown? ~ Pennywise X Reader { Fanfiction } Where stories live. Discover now