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sea of people gathered together,splashing color water over each other,colors on everyone's uniform,smile,laughter,joy in each others face. We are having so much fun and then she touched on my shoulder , we kept each others hand on shoulder and in each pace we uttered millions of "remember when" talks , collecting all those memories we had together during this journey, when reminiscing all those ,  we laughed a lot until our stomach hurts and at the end tears dropping out from her eyes ,she know that I'm bad at consoling , apart from that I embraced her and we walked. We sat on a bench nearby our classmates having their farewell ice cream, one of them came to us and asked, "what's your plan after high school, will you two will be in same school?"

we both know that there are people who are jealous of us , but when he asked the question we both baffled because we don't know what to answer , we grinned towards him and didn't uttered anything.

and then I asked her '' hey its been ten years right?we are best friends for 10 years , isn't that great.

VERONA : yes it is great, I had seen one of the instagram post were there it says that " a relationship which  stays longer than 7 years will stay forever" that means constant one, so you can assure in that you have to bear me for long......so you have to bear me Sam!

SAM: no, haha..I cant assure in that, after 10th result, higher secondary and then college after that job and then marriage and have sex and have children woahh..everything perfect! then how come I can handle you buddy, in middle of these all chaos , you stupid I cant handle you insane.

VERONA:oh really sam? okay then without bestie you need rest of all, that's not fair, you know what I will ruin your life and I will say to your future hubby that you're a lesbian and leave her, and then what.. your perfect life get vanished and then comes my entry as a lifesaver for you! haha..

SAM: eee veronaa..you ruin my life and save it too, so the villian and hero the same person, lame at peak you cruel mean young lady. Even if world ends tommorow I can assure one thing that you will sand beside me just to annoy and tease me.

VERONA: of course I will

SAM:hey I forget to ask, what about Jason? did you guys still together?you mentioned earlier that you are going to dumb him

VERONA:you know how I'm , then why this stupid question 

SAM:nothing , I'm curious to know about your love life because its always fun and thrilling  of a flirtatious queen bee . I'm thinking of taking a movie based on your love life it would be probably like the movie "to the boys all i loved before"

VERONA:stop it bro, too lame okay! yes i dumped  him he was just a part of high school memories , that's all,no real feelings, if I got the one to whom I have real feeling I will never going to leave him

SAM: wooah...that would be the day when world finally  ends. when will you find one , may be in next life..haha..not in this life guranteed.

VERONA: haha..sam stop okay!

SAM: shit, its 5:30 man..we have to leave now or else my mother going to screw me.

VERONA: Why Sam today is our final day, last exam , farewell and all sums up it would probably gonna take time, auntie would not scold you, its our last day  right? she will understand that or else i will call her as soon as I reach home... fine?

SAM: hmm..okay fine but you have to call 

VERONAfine bro..come on now.. everyone is waiting over there, lets have some chitchat !

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