Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

   "I'm Charlotte, but call me Cherry." She offered her hand.

   The background characters coughed back laughs. Charlotte's preferred nickname is stupid, but every stage name is.

   Firetruck shook her hand, "My name is Melody, or Mel for short."

   "Melody. Beautiful name. This is Reason and Anna." She gestured to us.

   "Hiya, I'm Anna and I like warm hugs."

   Children bother me, no exception for Anna. Annoying little fucks.

   "Why hello little Miss Anna, I too enjoy a warm hug." They shake hands.

   "Reason be friendly. Say hi. She's so pretty. Just like Ariel!" Anna giggled, looking at me.

   "Yeah Reason. Stop being such a dick. She is your type." Charlotte said

   Anna let another giggle go. "Type? Reason has no type!"

   These two are always testing me to see just how far they can go, they never learn.

   "Are you blind? Don't you remember all those other girls? They were all short and sexy."

   Charlotte went seven miles over the limit. I don't trust anyone and her saying my "type" in front of these fucking strangers pisses me off.

   "Go suck a dick Charlotte, it's the only useful thing you can do with your mouth" I bark.

   I glare at her while she blinks innocently. She can really get on my fucking last nerve, and she does this shit purposely. Why does she make an effort to set me off? She must like getting any kind of reaction out of me.

   Charlotte nods at Melanie. I glance in her direction and find she's already staring at me. Well at my tatts but still.

   I let her enjoy the view for a minute, only to squirm under her intense gaze. She is basically undressing me with her damn eyes. Normally, I live for chicks checking me out, but something about her bluntly staring at me makes my stomach twist.

  Clenching my fists, I say, "Stop fucking staring." then I mumble, "Me esta poniendo nervioso."

   As she tears her eyes away from my arms, I prepare to give her my most threatening scowl. But I don't.

   She trapped me with her violet gaze as she bites her plump lower lip. I take my time looking at her, really looking at her. What was her name?

   Melody you fucking prick! My mind shouted at me. I don't learn or bother remembering people's names. No reason to.

   I notice that Charlotte is right, Melody's hair is more of a fire color. Fire being my element, and water her's, this is an oddly major turn on. Her facial features and body contradict themselves, like her red hair and violet eyes. Her face is made up of small and delicate bones, making her look like a child. Then her body, it can drive any man crazy with want. All those curves....

   Above all this, it's her eyes that hold my attention the most(sort of). They are as beautiful as they are unusual. Hold the fuck up, only a pussy whipped bitch would say that. What the hell is up with me?

   "Yo siento. No pretendia hacerte sentir in comodo." she said.

   This catches me off guard, "Hablas espanol?"

   "It's hard to tell, but the human part of me is Puerto Rican." she replied.

   My eyes trail over her impossible body.

   "You certainly have the amazing curves to prove it." Charlotte voiced my dirty thoughts. "So, lets see what you all got. Dazzle us."

   I took this as my que to get the hell out of there.

   I walk out the door unseen, everyone too busy talking to notice. I pull down the string to the ceiling I'd noticed earlier. I climbed up the ladder and left it down, too lazy to close it. Then went to the edge and sat down.

   Why do I feel giddy thinking about that damn redhead? I'm a guy, and guys don't get giddy over one fucking whore. She was odd, everything about her was just flat out odd. Red hair, violet eyes? Child's face but grown womans body?

   Why the fuck am I even thinking of her?

   Charlotte had stated the obvious; she's my type. I'm attracted to her sexually. That's it. That's all there is to it. I want to fuck her brains out, then walk away like nothing happened. I try convincing myself.

    I tend to go for the short blondes who make Marilyn Monroe look like a challenge. Melody clearly isn't a blonde and probably not the kind of girl who lets boys in her bed.

   Then I remember her and Dwayne fucking Johnson leaving the same room together. Jealousy and envy battle within me. Maybe she is just another whore who lets guys in her bed.

   She does not, a reasonable voice said in my head, not all women are dirty sluts or evil bitches.

   This only adds anger into the mix.

   I hear the small thud of the ceiling ladder as it closed, letting me know that I'm no longer alone.

   "May I sit with you?" Think of a sexy redhaired demon and she shall appear.

   "And if you fall?"

   "Then the angels will bring me back." she sat, close enough that I could smell the sickeningly sweet scent wafting off her like waves.

   "So you're not scared? Of falling and probably never coming back?" I breathe through my mouth to avoid her deathly scent.

   "Lets see. I'm a abnormal hybrid, I can do impossible things, and I'm supposed to be a leader. Soon I'd get a tail, see a dragon, angel, and werewolf, along with other magical creatures like goblins, unicorns, trolls, fairies, and more crap. I'll probably have to fight some too; powerful people always have enemies. It's in the rule book. To answer your question, no, I'm not scared. Being scared is something I want to be, but can't afford it." she bitches.

   She is definitely odd, I stare at her, "You have this shit figured out."

   She looks at me, "You don't?"

   "Charlotte pretends she's been a hybrid her whole fucking life. Anna's too young, she doesn't fully understand." I say.

   "And you?"

   I twist my lip ring, "Es dificil de manejar."

   She sighs, "Trust me, yesterday I was a complete mess. I was crying half the time or yelling the other half. Cherry seems to be doing the best."

   I can't imagine a girl like this crying, for any reason. "It's a well-played act. She always feels the need to be in control."

   "She's the leader?"

   "She wishes. I am."

   "How long have you known each other?"

   She's getting a little too personal here. "Our entire lives."


   "Do you ever stop talking?" That's all she seems to do

   "Yip. When I sleep." she grins.

   I roll my eyes. "Donne."

   "Italian?" I nod. "You speak three different languages?" Nod. "Ooh, I get it. You want me to stop talking. "She's catching on. "Mission accepted."


So, who likes Reason and who hates him?

   Any new perspectives?

   Hope you enjoyed!!

The 12 Elementalsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें