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Hello Beautiful Reader! This is the Introduction to the story. You can skip over it if you want. It's just a bunch of background information involving why they are in the Hunger Games in the first place. The main story starts on the next chapter. Happy reading! (Or in this case sad)

The countries were gathered around a large table in the meeting room as usual, but something was different, everyone was silent. It had been many decades since World War 2, and now, the countries had begun World War 3. This war was different from the rest though, because there were no sides. It was "every man for themselves". All of the leaders in their countries became imperialistic, and began taking over different countries. After 20 years of war, there were now 24 countries left.

No one dared to speak. How could they? They were all afraid they would be the next to be gone. It was deathly quiet, until Belarus stood up to speak.

"I'm sick of the war," she said boldly. "We need to end this. Now."
Everyone murmured sounds of agreement until England stood up angrily.
"And how do you suppose we do that?!" He shouted aggressively.
Everyone went silent once again and thought, until a group of people walked into the room. It was all of the countries current leaders. "We have a way," said America's president.

~ time skip ~

After about an hour's discussion on what to do, the dictators had decided on a fight to the death. They had suspended the fighting to join together to build the arena in which the countries would fight for survival. They were planning on broadcasting this live to the citizens of every country, to boost national pride within each country. The countries reluctantly agreed.

And thus, the game board was set, and the pieces began to fall into place.

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