Chapter 8: More alliances?

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I read back through my own writing and cringe. I'm going to get the book back on track and start planning things out more.

A-Are you okay?" A high pitched voice came out from above.

Liectenstien looked around for the person talking, but saw no one. She scrambled to find someplace to hide, eventually settling for a small bush, which unfortunately for her, had thorns.

"I-a... I'll help you if you come out! You look like your hurt pretty badly." He voice called again.

"I'm fine!" She squeaked. "Why dont you show yourself first?"

She heard a thud from a nearby tree, seeing a figure roll to the ground. Because of the figures silouette, you could see the person was a guy. He carefully approached the bushes and sat down across from her. "Come on out. I won't hurt you."

"I'm not a chipmunk." She snapped at him. "You dont have to call to me like a scared wild animal."

"Then why are you acting like one?" He teased. "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!" She yelled.

"Then why is your voice shaking?" He asked.

No response.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Look." She watched as he grabbed his weapons and threw them across the forest floor.

Liechtenstein sighed and slowly started to make her way out of the bush, when suddenly a knife wizzed past her head. The man grabbed her and dove into the small thorny bush, putting a hand over Liechtenstein's mouth. She had seen him before... well, of course she had. They were all countries after all. He had auburn brown hair and dark amber eyes. He looked so familiar... but, she just couldn't put his face to a name. He motioned for her to be quiet. Slowly and carefully, he took a knife from his boot and removed his hand from her mouth. There was tension in the air as the man outside the bush walked slowly and carefully over to the bush. "Do you really think you can hide from me?" He called.

The auburn man jumped out of the bush, punching the man outside in the face. He then kneed him in the stomach and kicked him to the ground. Foot on his head and knife to his neck, the stranger surrendered.

"If you're going to kill me, please be quick." The stranger said.

The auburn man's eyes lit up. He knew that voice. "Japan?" He asked, slowly removing his knife and foot.

Japan cautiously sat up a bit. "Yes... and who is thi-" Japan stopped the minute his eyes fell on him. "I-Italy?!?" He almost shouted.

Italy dropped the knife and tackled his old friend in a hug. "I missed you!" He almost yelled.

Japan smiled and awkwardly patted his back. "I missed you too Italy-San."

"Hate to break up the reunion," Liechtenstein slowly crawled out from underneath the bush, careful not to get pricked with anymore thorns. "But I must be going."

"You're hurt badly." Japan called to her. "You need treatment."

"What treatment?!" She asked. "We are in the middle of the woods, in an arena where we are all supposed to kill each other. Neither of you can be my ally."

"But why?!" Italy asked.

"Because." Liechtenstein picked up the knife. "One, you lied to me." She stuffed the knife into her boot. "And two, there can only be one winner."

And with that, she walked off.

Another canon sounded.

"Ugh..." Denmark groaned from the back of the group. "I jump every time I hear one of those."

"Be quiet Denmark." Sweden said. "You'll give away our position with your big mouth."

"Sweden!" Finland called from the front. "Play nicely!"

"All of you shut up." Norway said annoyed.

There was a rustling of the leaves behind them, and they all jumped into a fighting stance. Finland cocked his gun. "Come out, nice and slowly."

"You caught me." Romano said sarcastically coming out from the bushes with his hands up. "Are you gonna kill me yet or what"

"Ah, Romano." Denmark walked over to him and patted him on the back. "Have you thought about our offer?"

"Because if you don't join us we'll have to kill you." Sweden said, earning an elbow to the ribs by Finland.

"Nope I'm not joining. I came all this way and tracked you down so I could politely tell you no. Because that is so something I would do." Romano rolled his eyes. "Duh I'm joining you. I wouldn't have come otherwise."

Norway smirked and whispered in Denmark's ear. "He sounds just like Iceland."

Denmark shot Norway a look, and walked over to Finland. "Well," Denmark said to Romano, forcing a smile. "Welcome to the club!"

"Glad to be here." Romano said back.


Right now, long chapters are too much for me so I'm going to just post little updates cause I always start the chapter and never finish. Even though none of these chapters are long in the first place.

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