The rest of the service went on perfectly and Ryan kept his promise to behave. The youth service ended and they had to get out so that the main service could start. Alanna said hello to a few friendly faces on the way out with Ryan trailing behind her. She heard him say hello to people too. He definitely knew a few people from school and others from around.

When they got outside people were already waiting to get into the second service including her parents. She approached them to say hello because she hadn't seen them when she woke up.

"Good morning mom, dad." She greeted kissing her moms cheek and doing a special handshake with her dad that they'd been doing since she was a kid.

"Morning mama. Service ilikuwaje?" Her mom asked.

How was the service?

"Ilikuwa poa. Nataka kwenda home sasa." She replied.

It was good. I wanna head home now.

"Mimi na mamako haturudi home anytime soon so wewe jipange venye unataka." Her dad informed.

Your mom and I will not be home anytime soon so you sort yourself out for the day.

"Okay dad. Have a nice service." She replied.

"Baba Liz na Mama Liz habari yenyu." Ryan greeted behind her making her freeze.

Liz's dad, Liz's mom, how are you?

Since Elizabeth her sister was the first born, her parents were usually referred to with her name.

What the hell did he think he was doing? Digging a deeper hole for himself that's what.

"Munene how are you my boy?" Alanna's dad greeted.

"I'm doing good sir." Ryan replied with a smile that Alanna felt like slapping off his face but she held herself back.

"I hope you had a good study time yesterday." Her mother chimed in.

"Yes we did." Ryan replied with a charming smile on his face.

"Well you kids have fun. Try and make sure she doesn't say spend all day in the house kiddo." Her mother instructed.

Alanna stared at her mother shocked while Ryan grinned as if he'd won a prize.

"Yes ma'am." He replied smiling.

"Alanna here. Make sure to spend it on anything other than shopping for more stuff to put in the fridge."He dad instructed handing her two thousand shillings.

Without another word her parents walked into the church leaving an angry Alanna and a happy Ryan. Her parents expected that just because they were friends with his parents that friendship automatically applied to them too. It didn't work that way. Ryan was too annoying and he had no respect for her boundaries.

"Stop grinning like that and I don't care what my parents said I'm going home." Alanna said walking away and exiting the church compound.

To her disappointment Ryan was following her like a lost puppy. Didn't he get the hint that she didn't want to be around him.

"I have specific instructions from your parents not to allow to spend all day at home so you and I are going to spend the day together."He declared.

Alanna stopped and turned to face him.

She needed answers to questions that were plaguing her concerning Ryan.

"Why did you come to my church today and don't even bother lying or giving me a smart assed answer."Alanna demanded getting frustrated with this whole situation.

ALANNA ✔️Where stories live. Discover now