This brought Ant onto the subject that he and Lisa had been thinking about recently and that was moving house,much to Decs surprise.

"Moving where?" Dec asked nervously.

"Same area" Ant smiled "but I want to buy a bigger place and do it up how I want to,you know,put my own stamp on it"

"Oh yeah,that makes sense then" Dec smiled relieved "I was worried you were thinking of moving away"

"Nah,why would I?" Ant replied "Chiswick is a lovely area,I like it there.I'm just planning ahead"

"For what?" Dec enquired.

"For the future" Ant smiled "one day me and Lisa might get married and then..." he paused for thought for a moment.

"And then what?" Dec asked curiously.

"Well..." Ant grinned "and then we might just hear the pitter patter of tiny feet"

"You're gonna get a hamster?" Dec joked.

"Shut up you fool" Ant grinned "you know what I'm talking about"

"Yeah,I do" Dec smiled.

"Just imagine it Decs" Ant beamed "a huge house with a massive garden,maybe even a swimming pool and lots of little sprogs running around,wouldn't that be amazing?"

"If that's what you want?I'm happy for you" Dec smiled.

"Yeah it is" Ant replied happily "Me and Lisa are gonna start looking at places as soon as I'm back,somewhere that will be our family home,I can't wait for someone to call me Daddy,it will be amazing to be a father,I'd certainly do a better job than my Dad did"

"Are you saying you're thinking about proposing to Lisa?" Dec asked excitedly.

"Dunno" Ant shrugged "maybe one day,we've been together a good few years now,but I've not really thought about it properly,so not yet I guess"

"You make a perfect couple" Dec smiled "I've always said so haven't I?"

"Thanks" Ant replied "and yeah,ya have.I can imagine being married to her and spending the rest of my life with her,but I still don't want to rush into it"

"You're hardly rushing" Dec laughed "you've been together for ages"

"I like to take things at a snails pace" Ant winked.

"Can you really imagine being with her forever?" Dec enquired seriously.

"Yeah,I can" Ant nodded "I love her"

"Yeah,I know you do,but I'm not quite ready for that level of commitment just yet" Dec smiled.

"Oh me neither" Ant replied "as I said,we're just planning for the future,then when we are ready,so is our home"

"That sounds like a serious level of commitment to me" Dec pointed out.

"Yeah it is actually" Ant laughed "don't know why I said that?I guess I am truly committed"

"Sounds like you have a plan anyway" Dec smiled as he raised his pint of lager and clinked his glass against Ants "cheers to our future families"

"Yeah,cheers to that" Ant laughed "whenever they may arrive and obviously I'll want your seal of approval on the house"

"Really?" Dec asked surprised.

"Yeah of course" Ant grinned "you'll be spending a lot of time there after all won't you?"

"So I'll still have my own bedroom?" Dec asked.

"Of course you will" Ant laughed "you're my family Declan,closer than family in fact,wherever I go,there'll always be a place for you"

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