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Hey beauties ❤ sorry I've been really busy lately but here's another chapter 😚

Naruto pov

" W-What ?? " "exacly what you heard, I'm running away " " ok now kit, hold on " " what for ?? My team doesn't want me, niether does the village, I'm done Kura I-I can't do this anymore. "

I look up at him with watery eyes and he sighs " alright .... bout time kit " he smiles softly down at me then wipes my tears away while I smile a little at him.

" Just finish this one mission then leave alright ?? " I nod and he disappears. I pick up all the sticks and walk back over to the camp sight.

I help Sasuke make a fire place then he lights it. After that I go over and put my sleeping bag on the ground and just sit on it.

After a bit I lay back with my hands behind my head and my left ankle ontop of the right one. " Hey Naruto you and Sakura go get some food will ya ?? "

I roll my eyes but stand up either way. " C'mon " " o-ok " we walk over to the lake and start hunting fish and small crabs. After 10 minutes I look over at her " do you think this is enough ?? " " umm yea it should be "

I nod and we walk back, Kakashi and Sasuke cook while I just lay on my bag staring up at the stars. " Naruto foods done " I turn to look at Sasuke for a second then I get up and walk over.

I eat 2 fishes and 4 crabs then lay down on my bag again and face away from everyone. After a bit I can hear Kakashi telling them to go to sleep. I just lay awake till really late.

When I do fall asleep I get woken up about 2 hours later. We start walking off to Suna again. ' Hey Kura ?? ' ' hmm ?? ' ' how will I know the jinjuriki ?? ' ' you just will ' ' well that's helpful ' I roll my eyes at him ' shut up and let me sleep ' ' YOU SLEPT FOR A WHOLE 3 DAYS ?!?! ' ' SHUT UP, AND LET. ME. SLEEP !! ' ' Lazy ass ' ' fuck off will ya ?? '


Once we're at the gates of Suna Kakashi has to talk to the guards to let us in. We walk in with one of the guards showing us the way.

I turn my head looking around the place " everything's made of sand that's so cool !! " I look over at Sakura and nod a bit.

As we walk further in I feel a small pull making me look to the side. I stare at a kid with bright red hair carrying a giant gourd. He's walking our way with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

" I advise you guys stay out of his way " we look over at the guard confused making him chuckle a bit " that's the Sands jinjuriki, he's really dangerous, he's killed our people and gone on rampages before " ' so that's him ' " c'mon Naruto " I stare at him for a second longer then we walk off.

Once we give the Kazekage the scroll we book a hotel for tonight and tomarrow. " alright then let's go get some food guys " " I hope they have ramen !! " " that's all you think about dobe " " hehe " I rub the back of my neck and smile a bit.

We walk out and start looking for food. After 20 minutes we settle on some dumplings. Once I finish I feel a small pull again making look out of the shop to see him walking with a blond girl and a brunette with purple makeup on his face.

" Hey guys ima go look around a bit " I stand up and start walking off " you're going with him, right ?? " I look back at Kakashi to see him giving me a closed eye smile " you shouldn't Naruto the guard said that hes dangerous remember ?? "

" So am I Sakura " I turn and walk off. I follow him and the other 2 for about 15 minutes then the other 2 walk off and he turns down an ally way.

I walk in and look around a bit confused ' where'd he go ?? ' I'm suddently covered in sand and the red head is infront of me along with the blond and brunette holding thier kunais towards me " ngh "

" Who are you and why are you following us ?? " says the blond " can I kill him ?? " " no Gaara we need information " says the brunette " so you gonna answer me or do I let him kill you ?? "

" N-No wait I wasn't follow you guys, I was following him " I look over at the red head again " what do you want ?? " I feel the sand squeeze me harder " GAH !! S-Stop please I just wanna talk "

" Yea right I bet you're hear to kill me right ?? Well I'll do it first then " he smiles at me and I grunt " NARUTO !! " I look to the side and see Sasuke and Sakura running over.

The sand comes off of me but the blond holds a big fan to my throat and I watch as the brunette and red head start fighting with my teammates " n-no wait !! "

Sasuke and Sakura get captured by the sand and they start yelling ' damn it !! ' I wrap my body in bright red chakra.

I feel my nails get longer as they turn into claws, my eyes sting a bit as they go from bright blue to bloody red, my cheeks burn a bit from my whiskers becoming bolder and more definable, and my bottom lip bleeds a little thanks to my fangs poking it.

The wind picks up thanks to my chakra and I'm suddently infront of the red head picking him up by the shirt " put. them. down. " I growl and I see his sand slowly go back into his gourd.

I calm down and go back to normal while I set him back down to his feet. " like I said, I just wanna talk " he stares at me for a few seconds then nods I smile a bit and follow him as he starts walking off.

I turn and glare at Sasuke and Sakura with my eyes red again and mouth ' don't you dare follow me ' I see them nod and I turn back around continuing to follow the red head. " names Gaara " I smile " Uzumaki Naruto " he nods and keeps quiet again.

Hey so here's chapter 10 it's longer then the rest so enjoy it babes !! Muah 😚

1092 words

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