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"Bro! I can't back out now. It's been more than weeks I'm searching for that girl. Dad's last wish needs to be come true. I have to do this, for him. I have to reach to this girl, Rahul!", Shaurya on the call with his best friend Rahul, while resting his body on his new bed.

"I know yaar! Don't worry, we will find her soon.But let me tell you this girl is ruling you all over now. I like it! Finally! Mr. Shaurya Sehgal is searching for a girl", Rahul mocked.

" I actually don't know what it is. But after Dad left us, it's the only thing that remained constant to me.It really helped me to get out of that hardest phase. So, that girl need a big thanks!

I'm in love with her thoughts Rahul", Shaurya shared as he heard something and cut the call.

"Rahul, I will call you later! ", Shaurya tried to track the sound.

It's Sheri!

Shaurya ran and entered her room without a knock.

As the door opens....

It was not Sheri in front of him. It was not that happy fun loving girl, well lost Sheri that time.

This Sheri was different. Scared, screaming, helpless, broken little girl was there fighting with her nightmares.

"No... No.... Don't do this.... It's burning, ... Don't do this, Dhruv! Dhruv, I beg you.... Dhruuvvvv!!!!! ", Sherika screaming in real but with her dream, it's better to be called a nightmare.

" Sheri, What happened? Sheri, I'm here. Don't worry. Nothing is burning.... I'm here Sheri", Shaurya holded her, tried to calm her down.

Sherika was awake but still in her nightmare....

"They burnt it.... He is there, Shaurya. He is there! He is back, he will destroy it again. He is there, Shaurya! Help me! Please save me, I beg you. Save me please! I can't fight again, I can't. Please, please save me.... ", Shaurya was stunned seeing that happy girl begging in front of him just to save her with a bad dream.

He holded her as tightly he could. He hugged her as tightly he could just to save that girl with her nightmares. Just to be there with her new face dug inside, unknowingly by how much time, how many months or might be years.

"Sheri! No one is here. Look at me. It was just a bad dream, see no one is here. It's only you and me, okay? Calm down! No one will hurt you, I'm here, I promise, I'm here....", Shaurya hugged her and buried her in his arms, not letting her go this time. As he was her only saviour.

Although, that kiss on her forehead worked as a sleeping pill for her, as if it was the proof of that unplanned promise of Shaurya to her.

The air, that night were dancing as they knew that a new love has started with this kiss. This time, they were flowing in charm knowing the purity of it.

Tired Sherika was asleep again, this time in peace as if she knew that she had found her man of dreams, who will never left her, who is there to hold her, fighting with her nightmares.

That night was new for Shaurya but not for Sherika. Those nightmares were the part of her sleeps.

Sherika doesn't dream anymore or asks for two minutes sleep more but she fights with those threats, with the daily battles of her life. With her past, with her fear.... With her broken pieces, with her broken dreams.

The feeling was different, Shaurya felt inside his heart.

The moment he hugged that girl need to be captured again and again for his whole life. It was never before he felt those goosebumps, it was a sign of calmness. That breathless halcyon peace defined what both the souls were searching for.

Unknowingly, that feeling was complete as if the two incomplete souls met.

Neither,Sherika didn't left thoses hands the whole night nor Shaurya even tried to get the girl out of his arms.

There were more thoughts flushing inside that head....

What happened with Sherika? It's not only a nightmare, it's something real. Who pushed her to this phase? Why she haven't shared this to anyone? Who is she feared of? What was burning?


"Morning di! ", the night ended with a new shine this time, as it was the call by Antra.

" Still sleeping? I'm telling you Sheri, you need someone now to wake you up with a cup of coffee in his hands", Antra said as they both laughed.

"Oh c'mon di! Not again.... ", Sheri defended.

" Well I came to know that Shaurya is living with you. I'm glad you finally offered my room to someone ", Antra still in a mood to joke.

" Yes di, actually Shaurya couldn't find another place to stay due to the riots going on. All the hotels and restaurants are closed for some days. So, I offered him my place. As there are still many works pending, we can work on them, too", Sherika replied with a flashback of the previous night.

"That's pretty good idea. Ruhan told me that Shaurya is a good man, by the way", Antra said in a hope to read her sister's mind for this new guy.

Antra knew that her sister need someone to love her purely, she knew that her Sheri needs the man of her dreams now but she would never tell or accept the same. Well, Shaurya Sehgal is a new hope for Antra this time.

As the call ended, a man with coffee mugs in his hands is right in front.

"Hey! Good morning. I'm sure that this hot coffee will make your day fresh. Cheers! ", Shaurya there.

Well, still those eyes were hesitating to face each other but the one needs an answer to his questions, they met.

" Good morning,thanks!", as Sherika struggled to act normal making him forget about the night. Because she already knew his questions but not the answers for that.

Well the silence between those coffee sips broke with as expected words, "What happened to you last night? Who was there in your dreams? And why you were scared of him?"

Those eyes met, "I know it was not just a bad dream but Sheri, you can share it", as Shaurya kept his hand on her hand.

" I'm sorry I troubled you. But it was just a nightmare Shaurya, nothing else", as Sherika spoke, removed her hand to make him believe her lie.

"May be! But is that Dhruv also a nightmare, Sheri? ", Shaurya tried to met her eyes as he listened the name clearly, that last night Sherika was muttering.

" No Shaurya, I was asleep. I really didn't recognize anything. I just told you naa, it was just a bad dream. Don't worry, okay ", Sherika smiled as it was her only way to hide her scars with the world. Her smile....

" Everyone has a past, I don't know yours. But just remember one thing, I'm not gonna leave you like this.

It's okay if you don't share anything but my heart doesn't allow me to leave you struggling with this. I'm here today, tomorrow everytime you need. And yes, of course! You are not going to fight alone with this bad dream again", Shaurya spelled his concern to her and left the room.

It was strange to accept the reality for Sherika. It's been almost one year, fighting the battles alone for herself. Suddenly, a man walks in her life promising her to stand by her side, totally taking her back with the same promises of her past.



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