My Diary

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"Di, where are you? Please come here. I need your help! Hey Anti! Come fast", Sherika flooding the whole room with her high pitched volume.

Finally, after two months Sherika was back on track, even if she was dying inside. She kept it all to herself. She was working as an Assistant Manager in a Multinational Production Company, the post she got by her degree which was,forcefully pursued by her father,  helping her now, to get back her career. Even though the career doesn't belong to her passion anymore. That day stopped her from writing anymore, even if she writes that was limited only to her pages. She thought to get back that dream again but the fear never let her do so again.

After two long drastic months, she got a reminder for a search of her diary, her personal secret pages to write all her heart out, was missing. Among all this, she forgot about that and now she is desperately searching for her diary.

For which the whole room's stuffs was turned up and down, losing every appropriate places of it.

"Oh my God! This girl is insane. Look at your room Sheri. Are you planning to dance with your wardrobe? What are you searching for? ", Antra mocked as she entered the room.

" Di, have you seen my diary? I'm not getting it. In fact I don't even remember the last time I wrote on it, Sherika claiming for the search of her diary.

Her question stunned Antra for a while but she swolled her vibe and answered in a low sorry voice, "Sheri! I think you kept that diary in your cabin. When you constructed your office,you shifted much of your books there. I'm not sure, may be you also put your diary too, but I'm not sure. You try to recognize may be you brought it back home."

It was tough for Antra to talk about that incident again in front of Sherika but it's also like you can't escape the real phase of your life.

She very well knew the number of times Sheri hears about that day,with double it kills her from inside.

"I think you are right di. I remember, I placed it in my office that means I lost that also. No issues. By the way I'm getting late, I have been called up today earlier to attend a meeting. I have to be present there on time. I will re arrange these all after I return back but for now, I have to go", Sherika trying to hide her empty life with her busy schedule for the day.

She had been provided a car by the company as she has to travel from place to place to attend meetings with the boss.

Undoubtedly Sherika was a hard working laborious girl, the only thing her boss likes in her.

That little Sheri who never used to wake up on time is now a mature and strong woman,who doesn't need anymore angry faces of her Anti for getting up in the morning.

After all, it was the last month of their togetherness, as her Anti will soon be getting married, in fact the very next month.

After that, she has to handle everything all alone by herself, her Dad suggested her to shift back to Gurgaon but she denied as she wanted to continue her job.

The whole way to her office, she only thought about her diary, afterall it was her best secret sharer, her wishlist listener as well as her heart buster which she lost too.

Everything comes with an expiry date in our life, sometimes we loose it before the date.

It's definitely true, let them go if they want, their return depends on your fate, if they have to come back, they would never left, for sure.

But who knows the destiny?

May be, it has planned an arrival of a fortune with the departure of some misfortunes in our lives.


Let's see what Sherika's destiny has decided for her, even after losing everything.

Will she get her dreams back?

If yes, then how?

If how, then with whom?


Wish to hit my target of 1K views with the completion of the story.

Keep reading! Keep supporting!

Much love,

Divya Shaily

Divya Shaily

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