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Sherika lost herself in fighting the battle all alone, the sudden storm in her life blown away her identity with her.

It was drastic, it was breaking her apart down with the every breathe,she inhales.

She sat down on the soft sands with the shells rolling under her hands, beach , her favourite place to be, from where it all started. There was a time when she shifted to Pune with her sister, she found this place, her best friend. That shores of the beach, the waves touching her toes, the wind blowing her hairs, it was always pure. This has always been her best place, best way whenever she felt disheartened, she chose to escape from the reality. Though, she fought and escape, the best way to define Sherika's present situation.

Within two hours of curious search, Antra found her little baby sitting beside the shores.

"Sheri! It's been too late, let's go back. We are going to Gurgaon tomorrow,Mom and Dad are waiting for us honey.We will go for a little vacation, it's been long time since we had a family time together.We have to pack our luggage and all, I have already booked two tickets of tomorrow morning. ", Antra said trying to act normally.

Antra wanted to distract Sherika's mind for some days and she knew that family is the only way, which can heal everything.

"Okay di! You go and start packing, I want to be here for some more time, I will be back within one hour", Sherika replied, as Antra left back for the packings.

Sherika remembered her poem, she wrote on family, two years back. She never imagined her own poem will become the reality of her life. She missed her family, she too wanted to meet them again, to laugh with them again, to cry with them, just all but with them, again.

As the lines started flowing under her skin breaking her into pieces, with every breathe she inhaled in....



That day finally came again,

Their love, will never let you in pain!

They are the same people, you can talk more and more,

You will never find them on these shore!

Their smile will let you laugh one more time,

All they want is you to shine and shine!

Your fear to face them again, that's obvious,

But will never leave you, may get furious!

Karma shall see, who left you in pain,

Don't worry Angel!

This time it's your Mom Dad,

Will never let your hard works in vain!

His hands will pick you up again,

Dad is still there, your constant remain!

Her eyes still drains, everytime you bleed,

Mom can heal you, with each spoon she feed!

They still crave for you, let's go back to them,

They are still waiting for you ,fill that picture frame again!


Let's see how family will heal Sherika's scars or unknowingly Sherika will meet more storms!
Stay tuned!

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And wait for the most unexpected turn of Sherika's life....

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Much love,

Divya Shaily

Divya Shaily

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