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"How could this happen? When did you? I need to sit down." Hoseok didn't just sit he fell onto Jimin who fell onto the couch.

Jin rolls his eyes and looked at the ring again.

"I am so happy you and Namjoon are getting hitched but make sure it isn't near my wedding," Jimin warned, pushing Hoseok off and away from him.

"Of course I just wanted to tell you guys first. You should have seen Yeonjuns face when we showed up. Jungkook had to hold him so he wouldn't attack us. That night stopped all our fighting. No sex just a romantic night. Aw, I am so in love." He says sitting down.

"I remember us all growing up, Jin. We would have fun and watch Tae and I dance while you and Jimin drank." Hoseok says. "It's nice we are one big happy fa-".

"Except we are not." Jimin snapped standing up then left.

"God damn, I will follow." Hoseok sighs and got up.

"No I will this time, call Soyeon or something," Jin said and ran to follow. "Christian, you going to stop, or am I going to have to take you down?" He asked and Jimin went still.

"My brother is gone, I will never get to see him again. Do you know how hard it was to call my dad that day? To tell him that his biological son is dead. I know you want to help Jin, but I just want to be alone." Jimin smiled slightly and walked to his room.

"Shouldn't you call his fiancé?" Jin shakes his head.

"He wants to be alone and this would just worry Suga. S.Coups you leave him alone too. Chris needs time to cope. How are you and Woozi though?"

"Much better, a lot better actually. We don't need counseling any more which is great and we have ju- is that a ring?" S. Coups got off the wall and lifted Jin's hand up.

"It is, happened last night." The younger's jaw dropped.

"Can I see?" Jin nods and takes off the ring. S. Coups looks and feels the ring. "Wow it is even engraved, RM did great." The elder snatched the ring back and looked at the spot.

"That's what he meant," Jin whispers and puts the ring back on.

"Good luck, I hear our life and marriage doesn't sometimes work. You may want to see some professionals before anything happens. It can cause strain on your relationship." S. Coups said and looked at his phone. "I got to go, bye." He says. Jin looks at the ring and the seed planted in his head immediately started to make him worry. He instantly started running down the halls, took a left, and then looked at the door to then knock.

When the door opened he smiled seeing the woman and a baby in her arms.

"One second Prince, Jihu is being a baby." She chuckled and opened the door more.

"It's okay Somin, take your time." He says and sits on a chair. Once the woman comes back she sits in front of him.

"So what do you need Prince?"

"I am engaged and S. Coups got into my head, intentional or not but he did and I want my future marriage to be good like everyone does but as a leader of a popular mafia so I want to know if your ever in a hard place while being in Fallen Angels and being married along with kids?" Somin hums.

"Yeah of course but not because we are in a mafia, no," she chuckles, "every marriage has its bumps but if you love each you'll get past it. Don't let people get into your mind about this. You're getting married, have fun with it." Jin nods.

"Okay that helps me a lot actually, thank you." He says standing up.

"No problem and don't stress yourself with overthinking, your a great dad and going to be a great husband." Jin nods and walks out and to his office.

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