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"Exactly, so fucking text him and get yourself that man." Soyeon orders and then leaves the room to go mess with someone else, while Namjoon stares at his phone.

'I should text him. But isn't he like running from the cops or something?' He looks at the time and slides down his chair.

"This is stupid, I am a fucking mafia leader." Namjoon grabbed his phone and texted the elder.

Hey text me when you are free

Namjoon then throws his phone to the couch with his ringer on and exhales loudly.

"Gosh, it's like middle school." He groans and slams his head against his table as his phone rang. "Oh, he texted back!" Namjoon smiles and rushed to jump onto the couch and looked at his phone.

Hey we just got back, Tae is on his way with a small gift to help with your problems 😊

You're not coming over?

I can, why?

What to see me that bad??

I would like to see the one I like but if you can't that's fine

We can come over if you want to see me so bad

Yeah bring everyone over, I was just doing work, same with Yoongi and Soyeon is just bugging everyone while Kook stays in his room

Yeah poor kid, it's never easy killing especially if you knew the person for a while

This is the first time he has acted like this when killing someone but I know he will recover especially with Tae soon next to his side

Okay we are leaving, tell me when Taehyungs gets there.

Will do

Namjoon puts his phone down with a smile.

It might have been a small conversation but it still gave him the feels.

He lays there until there was a knock at his door.

"It's open." He said and then looked at the figure.

"Hey, um I forgot where Jungkooks room is," Namjoon turns and chuckled at Taehyung. He stood up, grabbing something from his desk, and then waved him to follow.

"I have a key to his room just in case he won't open up. Also small warning, he is pretty bloody, Soyeon has put extra sheets in his room but he refuses to get up." Taehyung nods and stays very close to him. "You seem scared, might as well tell me now." He stops and turns around.

"Why didn't he call me?" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Tae, you were on a mission and he knew that. Plus he just wanted to be alone. I was in the front and he just stormed in and went to his room. Blood was dripping from him and he was whiter than Yoongi. It's different when you are ready to kill then accidentally killing. This was a full on accident. The cop had two kids and one of them is an infant girl." Taehyung nods and as they start walking again he keeps his head down until they got to his door.

"Here is the key, if he doesn't want you to come in just sit out here. I warn you, he keeps a gun and will shoot, it's happened to all of us. Let him take the first step." Taehyung nods and knocked on the door as Namjoon went back to his office.

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