Act 2, Scene 4

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A river bank. The paving stones are slightly worn down by years of people walking over them and are a sandy colour. The railing lining the river comes up to the average person's waist and benches are periodic along the river. The sun is lower in the sky and is streaked with oranges and pinks. There is a gentle wind, wafting down the river.

Sara and Kristina are walking along the path on the river bank, having just left the art gallery.

Sara: (excitedly) Kristina, that exhibit was so amazing! Did you see that Vanitas inspired one?

Kristina: The skull and flowers one?

Sara: It was so beautiful! The colours, and the art style was just... you know?

(Kristina smiles fondly, enjoying the look of awe on Sara's face from the art exhibit)

Kristina: Yeah, I know.

Sara: The whole gallery is just incredible! What was your favourite part?

Kristina: Seeing you get all excited over the paintings.

Sara: (blushing) Shut up, I mean what exhibit did you like the best.

Kristina: Umm, I guess the garden one, with the statues and clothes made from the grass and flowers and stuff. That was really fucking cool.

Sara: Oh, that one was just stunning.

Kristina: (smoothly) It reminded me of you.

(Sara's blush deepens. She stops by a bench, and Kristina pauses, looking at her curiously)

Kristina: You okay?

Sara: Yeah, it's just... I can't believe how everything's turned out.

Kristina: (frowning a little, but still smiling) Like how?

Sara: (smiling at Kristina) Just... Meeting you, then going to the Outcast Society, I just can't believe how lucky I've been.

(Kristina hesitantly reaches out and takes Sara's hand in her own, gently running her thumb over the back of Sara's hand. Sara squeezes Kristina's hand gently, stepping just a little bit closer)

Kristina: Who says it was luck?

Sara: (snorts) Are you implying our meeting was fate?

Kristina: What? You don't believe in fate?

Sara: It just seems so unlikely that there's some force out there that makes everything happen for a reason. I just feel humans are too unpredictable for something like that.

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