Act 1, Scene 1

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A school dining hall. A group of three girls - Sophie, Anna and Charlotte (Lottie) - are sat at a table towards one side, all around age 15-16. Other groups of children are sat around, chatting to each other. There's a general buzz of conversation. The three girls are talking as well but quieter than the other groups. They are talking quickly, like an argument was brewing. Sophie and Lottie are sat next to each other facing Anna.

Sophie is a quiet, even-tempered girl, with long red hair, deep green eyes and constellations of freckles scattered across her skin. Anna is calm and patient, often referred to by others as the 'mother' of the group. Her jet-black hair is pinned back in a tight ponytail and her light blue eyes go between her friends as they talk. Lottie is Anna's polar opposite. She is quick-tempered and aggressive but she knows where her loyalties lie and mostly uses her anger tactically. Her sharp blue eyes go well with her dirty blonde-pixie cut and sharply-angled face.

Sophie: -But it's doesn't change anything.

Anna: I know; I'm just worried.

Sophie: What are you worried for?

Anna: I'm worried it's going to go around, okay.

Lottie: It won't go around if people keep quiet about it.

Anna: Someone could overhear and start spreading it.

Lottie: Then we'll know who to kill.

Sophie: Lottie!

Lottie: (Rolling her eyes) Joking! God, ever heard of it?

Anna: I thought jokes had to be funny.

Lottie: Oh shut up, and stop over-reacting.

(Kim walks up to the table from one of the other tables. Kim is a petite blonde with dark brown eyes and a beauty mark above her left eyebrow. She also has an uncanny knack to rub people the wrong way with little to no practice. She sits down next to Anna and looks at the group expectantly.)

Kim: (Smirking meanly) Hello, girls.

Lottie: What the Hell do you want?

Kim: I was just wondering where Sara was.

Anna: She just went to the toilets.

Kim: Oh. Tell her I was looking for her.

Sophie: Tell he yourself, she's right there.

(Sara walks up to the table, sees Kim and hesitates for a second. Slowly, she keeps walking to the table and sits beside Sophie, watching Kim wearily. Sara has brown hair cut just below the bottom of her shoulder blades, pushed back with a pastel pink hairband.)

Sara: (quietly, to Sophie) What's she doing here?

(Sophie shrugs slightly)

Kim: (Still smirking) I just wanted to see how our resident dyke was doing. You know, make sure you aren't gaying up the place too much.

Lottie: (Suddenly angry) You're a real bitch, Kim. Seriously, what did she ever do to you?

Sara: It's okay, Lottie. (Taking a deep breath, trying her hardest to keep calm) Kim, please go away.

Kim: Yeah, Lottie, down girl.

Lottie: That's it- (standing up sharply)

Sophie: Lottie! Stop it! People are looking at us.

(Most of the other people in the hall are watching the group)

Lottie: (Angrily) I don't care.

Anna: Lottie, She's not worth getting in trouble over.

Sophie: (resting her hand on Lottie's arm, either to comfort or restrain) Yeah, she's not worth it.

(Slowly, Lottie sinks back into her seat, still glaring at Kim)

Sara: (Looking at Kim) I think you should leave.

Kim: I was going to. Who wants to be around faggots for too long, anyway?

Sara: (Standing. She inhales sharply and blinks. Her eyes begin to redden) How dare you? How- (Her voice breaks.)

(Sara suddenly stands up, picks up her school bag and runs out the dining hall. The hall is silent in her wake.)

Anna: (Softly)I hope you're happy.

(Kim shrugs, holding the smirk on her face in pure satisfaction)

Lottie: You motherf-

Kim: (patronisingly) Now, now, watch your language. Don't want to get in trouble, now do we?

Lottie: Don't tell me what to do, you homophobic fuck!

Sophie: I'm going after Sara.

Anna: (resigned) Give her a moment, Soph.

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