Scene 6

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The Outcast Society hall, the next day.

Kristina is stood off to the side with Darren and Martin. Martin has his arm around Darren's shoulder and Darren has one arm around Martin's waist. Sara enters, looking panicked. She moves towards the group.

Kristina: (seeing Sara's expression) Sara, what's wrong?

(Sara goes up to her. Kristina opens her arms slightly and Sara throws her arms around Kristina, hugging her fiercely)

Sara: (muffled) I've messed up. Badly.

Kristina: (holding Sara in her arms) What happened? It can't have been that bad.

Sara: (pulling away to look at the group) Okay yesterday after netball, Martin texted me and one of my team mates saw his picture and assumed we were going out. I tried correcting her but she's told everyone and I just know Kim's going to say something soon.

Darren: (comfortingly) Hey, Sara, it's okay. Take a few breaths

(Sara breaths deeply, trying to compose herself)

Kristina: So, what happened after your team mate saw his picture?

Sara: She asked if Martin was single and when I said he was taken, she thought I meant with me and she wouldn't listen when I tried to tell her otherwise. And I couldn't completely correct without outing myself, but Kim was fuming when Jenni told everyone and I have a terrible feeling she's going to tell people the truth.

(The group is silent for a moment, thinking everything over)

Kristina: If Sara's not ready to come out yet and correct everyone, then our options are very limited.

Darren: (quickly, to Sara) Which is completely okay, by the way. I was outed at 12 and I didn't feel ready at all.

Martin: This was after netball, right?

Sara: (nodding) Yeah.

Martin: When do you next have a match?

Sara: Next Friday. At your school, actually. Why?

Darren: (groaning) Please tell me that's not your plan.

Martin: If Sara isn't ready, then what's the harm in pretending until she is?

Sara: I can't ask you to do that!

Kristina: It would help keep matters at bay, but it's too predictable. And Kim is smarter than that.

Martin: If I just show up after the match and be friendly with Sara then that should be enough to pacify them. We can work out the rest of the story and Sara can use that until she feels ready enough to tell the truth.

Kristina: When you say it like that it sounds so reasonable.

Darren: (muttering) You are stupidly kind sometimes darling.

Sara: Why are you two agreeing with this? I can't drag Martin into this!

Kristina: Sara, unless you want to give Kim power, there's very little else you can do.

Martin: And it'll be fine. It's not like we'll be kissing in front of them.

Darren: You better not be!

Martin; (Quickly kissing Darren) You should know me better than that by now.

Darren: (Darren wraps an arm around Martin's neck) Damn right I do. (he kisses Martin gently)

Kristina: (rolling her eyes) Geez, I need to get one of those water spritzer things for you two.

(Darren keeps his eyes on Martin, kissing him again, as he lifts the arm wrapped around his neck away and made a rude hand gesture at Kristina)

Sara: (nonchalantly) He can barely go ten seconds without touching Martin, I don't like the idea of tell everyone I'm going out with Martin.

Martin: (prying himself away from Darren reluctantly) You don't even have to tell anyone we're actually going out, just let the rumour circulate on their own.

Sara: I'm still against it. Martin, you're my friend, I won't ask this of you, I can't and this is my mess, so I'm just going to have to clean it up.

Kristina: (nodding in understanding) Okay.

Darren: (whispering to Martin) We're going to help, right?

Martin: (whispering back) Obviously.

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